Part 14

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The two had been climbing the mountain for a while. Connor missed a footing and almost fell. Carter grabbed his hand before he could fall. I know what you're thinking. Why not just use your powers? That's because Carter is stubborn and thinks he can do it without them.

He pulled Connor up and they were on a platform in front of a cave. The mountain was snowy preventing them from sweating but still allowing them to get tired. Connor stood up, still exhausted. When he got up he made a loud clang! The two boys looked at each other. "Stomp again," said Carter.

Connor complied and stomped his foot. It made another clang! They began to clear up the snow from under them. It was a manhole! Carter gathered chakra and punched it open making it fly into the ground under them. They dropped down to find themselves in the highest part of the crowd of a coliseum. People began were cheering at two idiots in speedo's bash their head together. There was people all around cheering and placing bets. Carter grabbed a man who was walking by his arm. "I want to know how I can get in in the action." He turned toward Carter and said, "Just go inside of the locker room. Whenever you hear the ding you can walk through the door that's inside." Carter nodded and told Connor to wait until he came back.

He walked inside of the locker room to find about six other people there. It was filled with rows of lockers. There was a wall to carters left that had weapons filled on it. The wall had, swords, shurikens, shields, bombs, and even guns. He decided to take a seat on the bench until he could hear the ding sound. As the room slowly cleared out he finally heard the ding! He got up from the bench and walked through the door. He was in now inside of the coliseum. The crowd began laughing once they saw there was a kid. The announcer began to laugh to. "Hey kid! Isn't it past your bed time! Did you lose your little mommy?" Carter ignored them got ready to face his opponent.

'He better be strong,' thought carter. Once the door opened he could see the opponents head was completely covered besides his eyes of course. His mouth was covered by a black mouth mask. He wore a scarf which kind of made him look like a ninja. The announcer had finally stopped laughing. "His opponent is the infamous ninja! He is undefeated so far so it looks like the new kid is in trouble!!!!!!!!"

Carter ignored him and opened a portal reaching for his sword. Then he noticed that the ninja didn't have a weapon. He placed Aries back into the portal and put his fist up. 'So he can use portals huh?' thought the Ninja. The announcer began yelling in the microphone. "let's get ready to rumble!!!!"

Immediately Ninja disappeared. He had never seen someone who could move so fast! He felt something behind him and jumped into the air. He looked under him to find Ninja with his outstretched fist only punching air. Once he realized that he was hitting nothing he disappeared again. Meanwhile Carter landed on the ground only to get punched in the ribs. His reflexes mad him put his guard down to care for his wounded ribs. That was a mistake.

He was again punched but this time in his stomach. Ninja continuously began to strike him hard and fast. One punch knocked Carter across the arena!!! He smashed into the wall but had just enough time to gather Chakra and reduced the impact. "Will you look at that Folks!!! I think he is out for the count! I can't even believe he stayed on for this long!"

Carter thought for a second. What if this Ninja guy isn't really fast? What if he can just turn invisible. Then it will be easy to detect his aura. He focused his chakra into his eyes. He looked around and now only saw everyone's glowing outline. He saw Ninjas outline coming toward him. He got up to his feet. Before Ninja could attack him he dodged and punched him in the face causing invisibility to wear off. This was his chance! He empowered his fist and punched the ground! "TITANS FIERY FIST" It knocked Ninja to the side.

He and ninja started striking and blocking at each other! Ninja kicked and Carter ducked. Ninja then threw a Kunai at him! It was coming right at him! He couldn't dodge nor deflect it. Suddenly Aries came out of the portal! It deflected the kunai! He quickly grabbed it Knocked Ninja on the head with the flat. He was speechless! How did Aires get here? 'A simple thank you would have been sufficing,' Said a sassy tone. 'who said that?' He said looking around. 'It's bad enough you killed me and took my soul! Now you don't even know me! It's me Aires, your sword.'

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