Part 13

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The two friends decided to get supplies before they left for brazil. They were walking in the street and found a merchant. He seemed to be selling combat gear. Carter immediately walked over to the merchant. "So what are you selling here?" asked Carter. "Well I have mostly combat gear," He replied. "This right here is a fire proof breast plate." He walked over and pointed toward a red breast plate. "And this over here is a shield that can withstand a nuclear bomb." He presented a shield made out of bronze. It had a bonsai tree design right in the middle. Carter looked at a pair of glasses that only had one glass. "What's this?" asked Carter. The merchant smiled. "This right here is the best thing we have here. It's a one eyed glass that tells you your Health, Strength, and has a built in G.P.S. Kind of like a video game really. We call It the dual gazer." Carter thought for a moment. "How much is it?" he asked digging in his pocket reaching for his license. "200 dollars." Carter pulled out his license and set it on the table. The merchant frowned. "How dare you come into my store with a fake bureau license!" Carter scrunched his face in confusion. "Fake? You must not have heard. I'm the 4th human to ever join the Royal bureau!"

"How stupid do you think I am to believe that you are the person who has tremendous power that came from the unknown! When a human becomes a Bureau everyone thinks they can impersonate-" He was cut off by the display of Carter making a portal. Aries slowly came from out of it. The merchant's face immediately changes to fear. "I-I'm sorry s-sir!" The merchant was now stuttering. "I don't mean any harm. I just want the dual gazer that's all. He quickly exported money from his license and gave it to the merchant.

He caught up with Connor who was looking at clothes. "What happened over there?" He asked looking at a T-shirt. "Some guy wanted me to show him my powers. Funny right?" The two laughed as they continued to look for clothes.


The two had arrived at the airport to get their tickets. When they tried paying for their tickets with some money they had took out from their license the ticket lady said, "Since you are a hunter you will ride on a private plane. I thought you would have known this." The two were confused but weren't complaining. They boarded their plane which had only two people on it. "Before the plane takes off would you two like anything to eat?" asked the flight attendant. They were each handed menus. Carter ordered the chicken wrap with salad and Connor ordered steak and mash potatoes. After eating their food, the two decided to rest and headed to the sleeping quarters on the plane.


Once landing in brazil they had booked a hotel and began to explore. "So where do we head next?" asked Connor. "While on the plane I did some research. Apparently there is this place called the snakes pit. If we go, there we might be able to find a good martial arts teacher. It's also a good place to train." Connor agreed with the plan but later on asked, "Where exactly is this Snake Pit?"

Even Carter didn't have that information. "I don't know exactly. But I know where to go to find out." After about a couple minutes of walking through the town Carter finally stopped inside of a pub. There were a bunch of people yelling, drinking, and arm-wrestling. They took a seat at the bar as the pub owner leaned toward them. "Hey my name is Hank. What can I help you kids with?" Carter turned toward him with a serious face. "Nice to meet you Hank. I'm here for the same reason as everyone else. I need info." Hank laughed. "Straight to the point eh? What do you need to know?" Carter leaned in. "I'm here from out of town. Does the Snake Pit sound familiar to you?" "I don't think you kids want to get in the middle of that. That's serious business," replied Hank. Carter showed Hank his Royal bureau badge and said, "I think we can handle it."

Hank smiled and began to talk, "They're getting younger and younger aren't they? I heard there in the jungle. They have a secret cave entrance. It's under Trailer Mountain. Carter walked out of the pub. Carter walked next to him and asked, "How will we know who we want to train us?" Carter gathered Chakra into his fist. "The first person who beats us."


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