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So I my name is Max Gordan . Yes I'm related to Jim Gordan. I'm 17 and  I'm riding to the big football game at mavlont high. So on the bus I  am sitting in the far back reading my book. No one talks to me and that's the way I like it.

All a sudden  the bus  comes to a halt and three guys come on with guns. Ginger looks my way and we  make I contact for a few seconds before turning away. Gingers followed handcuff everyone else except me. Instead they pick me up my my shoulders and drag me to ginger " hey cupcake I'm jermone" he said as he sticks out his hand for me to shake . " M-m-ma-max" I say with a stutter. "Cute" is all he said when the two push out of the bus. I fall face head on the hard road. As I get up I hear jermone yelling at the two for hurting me. Jermone picks me up gently  but is stopped at my uncle voice threating him to let me go. Jermone didn't like that  he threw me in his getaway car as he told his smicks  to light the bus on fire and got in the bus with me and made his escape.


Credit Wolf_Queen_101

Credit Wolf_Queen_101

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