Chapter 5 •Practically royalty

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Rose Gaunt

Once we finally had the books I decided I wanted to go and get some sweets and of course Draco decided to tag along. "I've missed me some chocolate frogs," was his excuse.

"We've just had a very interesting meet up with Ginny Weasley," I mentioned once we got back to the Gaunt manor, our hands full of bags.

"Oh about what?" My father asked, "She tried to offend us in the book store, but once she heard Rose's last name she practically bowed," Draco offered the explanation. "I'm rather confused though, why does she care about our last name?" "Well, it's not public knowledge yet, but you and your brother are a direct descendant from Salazar Slytherin which only the pure bloods know, you're practically royalty," my mother spoke up.

"Wow," I gasped, "No wonder she nearly died when she heard my last name," I laughed. "Are you sure you're okay? I mean she was your best friend," Theo whispered as to not have Draco hear , "She didn't know who I was and she was a complete bitch, why would I still be a friend to her now? Ever since the war I knew the Weasley's where trying to boost there place in society, it's pathetic really," Draco hummed in agreement twirling my hair around his finger.

"Any who, shall we go swimming? I could really enjoy some time in the Jacuzzi," I asked, "Sure, Draco you can borrow a pair of my swimming shorts," Theo agreed before him and Draco left to his room, I ran up after them. "Lily?" I called out, "Do you know where my swimming costumes are?" I asked once she popped into my room, she headed over to the set of draws closest to the bathroom, pulling out a white bikini. "Thank you, that's all Lily," she smiled before she popped away. Slipping into the costume, I grabbed a towel before heading up to the pool room. From the laughs, I gathered the boys where already there.

Once I stepped into the room, Draco's mouth dropped open causing me to blush and Theo to stare at his best friend. All of a sudden he picked up Draco and launched him into the pool, I laughed heading to the Jacuzzi and switching on the bubbles. I slipped in once it started to warm up.

Not long after both Theo and Draco joined me, Draco's arm working it's way over my shoulder.

"So tell me, we go to Hogwarts in two days and I have no clue what to do," I laughed, "Basically you will be resorted, however nobody knows your old identity and they never have to but like you said, It might be best for them to find it out from you on the day," "Seems simple enough, but what happens if I don't get into Slytherin?" "You will," Draco smiled, calming me down.

*You two are cute* Theo's voice echoed

*Thanks* I smiled

*But if he hurts you I'm going to kick him so hard in the balls that he ends up with boobs*

Damn brother.

Theo Gaunt

Watching Draco with Rose was honestly beautiful. He was so depressed since the day she left and the war didn't help, but the love he has for here, I know she's in safe hands. Though if he hurts her, I'll kill him.

Once Draco had left I decided that Rose needed to spend some quality time with her brother, so I strictly ordered her to go change into some pjs before coming to the cinema room. As soon as she left I accio'd my pjs to the cinema room and quickly got changed.

"What film do you want to watch?" She asked once she made herself comfy. "How about Legally blonde?" "Really Theo? Legally blonde," she laughed "Don't judge me, it's a good film," she just continues to laugh whilst nodding. 
"Yes Queen!" "Seriously Theo?" "What she just destroyed that case, what an absolute legend," she just carried on laughing.

"We best go get tea," I said once the film was finished, it was around six o'clock. We started walking down, just as our dad was about to call us for tea. He ushered us into the dining room. "It's about time," mother said.

Rose Gaunt

The tomato soup smelled absolutely heavenly, I quickly thanked the house elves before digging in. Best soup ever.

"So Rose, what's happening with you and Draco?" Father asked, "I don't know, I enjoy his presence," "But?" "What if when he finds out that I was the mudblood he hated... what if he hates me?" "He won't, Hell he can't," Theo comforted me. I smiled before finishing the rest of my soup. "That was delicious, thank you," I thanked the house elves whilst they took our plates away. Not long after they gave us our desserts, my love, lemon cheesecake.

"It's been a tiring day, I think I'm just gonna head up," I smiled, before excusing myself for bed. Once I reached my room I decided on a bath. "Lily, can you run me a bath please?" I asked which she immediately set off to do, whilst I put all my new stuff to one side and crab a pair of pjs, leaving them on my bed.
"It's done Miss Rose," she smiled before popping away. My muscles relaxes easily under the heat of the water, I had so many thoughts swirling in my mind.

What if Ginny, Ron and Harry hate me now?
What will everyone in Hogwarts think?
What will Draco think?

God I can't believe a said I was his girlfriend... yet he didn't say anything after. I quickly lathered my body in coconut body wash and just allowed the water to gradually get colder. Once I resembled a prune, I got out, wrapping my towel around me.

Once I had brushed my teeth, I slipped into my pjs and fell asleep the second my
head hit the pillow, tomorrow was the last day of summer, God please let my return to Hogwarts go smoothly.

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