Chapter 8 • What the flying monkey balls

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Rose PoV

"I swear to Merlin, I'm going to kill my father!" I growled, being dragged downstairs to the great hall by Draco. What maniac decides seven am on a Sunday is appropriate. Sitting between Draco and Theo, I noticed my father sat with the headmistress, looking over all the tables, several other ministry officials crowding round something.

"Students, if I can have your attention please, as you may have noticed, we are in the company of some ministry officials, however I would like to introduce you to Minister Gaunt," some students appeared rather shocked by his last name, whilst there was a rather directs split of love and hate, hate radiating off two red heads. Wonder what's up with those two.

"Good morning student, I know it seems early, and it is however this is vital that we do this as soon as possible," we all stayed silent as the same cup used in the triwizard tournament was pulled to the centre of the room. "Everyone in sixth year and above has had their name put in,  so we will call each of the boys forward, they need to put a drop of their blood into the goblet and their soulmate will be identified and with that, if all the fifth years and below leave, the sixth year and above males to line up and all the girls to sit on the Ravenclaw and Slytherin table," father ordered. After some shuffling around all the boys were stood against the wall.

A nervous and excited atmosphere was present, "Before we pair you off, obviously the war had cost us so many wizarding lives, thus the ministry has decided to reinstate the marriage law, it basically states that if the population was to drop below X amount, then we would identify your soulmates and then you follow a strict deadline pattern, married in six months and pregnant within two years," cue uproar.

"Listen! I understand it's not ideal, but it's your soulmate, it may be scary but we need you to do this and if you refuse, your magic is stripped," "What happens if you hate your soulmate?" "You work it out, now let's get started," eventually the room started to quieten down.

"Seamus Finnegan," everyone watches as the charming Irish man released his boyfriends hand, walking to the goblet, my father pricked his finger over the goblet and within ten seconds a piece of paper flew out. "Dean Thomas," relief flooded both boys faces as they embraced each other, both taking a seat on the Gryffindor table, content in each other's arms.

Several other students were called before one of the few I cared for.

"Theodore Gaunt," I watched Draco and Blaise tap his back, he headed over to our father who offered him a quick smile and nod, a prick to his finger and a piece of paper flew out, our father caught it before looking rather shocked, then a little smirk appeared, everyone was on the edge of their seat waiting for the name, "Harry Potter... and Luna Lovegood," excuse me what. Theo's head perked up, along with Harry's and Luna's who appeared equally confused and happy. All eyes on them, they took a seat by Dean and Seamus.

"Goyle," for the love of God, my best wishes to anyone who's paired with him, "Ginny Weasley," I take it back, unlucky bitch.

"Nevill Longbottom," I noticed Pansy's hands shake a little, maybe this is the secret crush of her, that's a cute couple. "Pansy Parkinson," my father pecked her cheek congratulating her before she turned to a red faced Neville, her face matching.

"Draco Malfoy, there's really no need for this but why not," my father smiled, pricking Draco's finger. "Rose Gaunt," I stood taking my place by my father and Draco, getting a quick peck on the cheek off my father before heading to the Gryffindor table, sitting with a still very confused trio.

"Ronald Weasley," let me just say, his face will be the best reaction known to mankind. "Susan Bones," I could feel Draco chucking beside me, a small smirk on his face whilst Blaise was near enough dying of laughter.

"And finally, Blaise Zabini," the same process was repeated before a piece of paper shot into the air, "Astoria Greengrass," I watched as the two came together, a strange but oddly suited match.

"Now seeing as we have one special circumstance, if the rest but; Luna, Harry and Theo leave,"

T H E O    P O V

"Hey dad," I chuckled awkwardly, " I must say son, you always were one peculiar boy, but this, well this is just a whole new level," I laughed, Luna and Harry behind me. "Don't be afraid you two, it must have happened for a reason, trust the system, it may be a pain, but it works, how about I organise a little weekend away for you three and the other losers," he laughed, "Your daughter is one of those losers," Harry chuckled, "That she is, now Mr Potter, you best keep an eye out for the two Weasley's they don't seem to happy with your new house and family," "I'm just glad I wasn't supposed to end up with Ginny, she's rather psycho," both Luna and I chuckled, I felt Luna lace her fingers into mine, which caused my heat to race yet I never felt more relaxed... strange but wonderful. "Okay, we best head back to the ministry, Theo take care of these two and make sure Draco doesn't hurt Rose," he gave a quick handshake to Harry and a peck on the cheek for Luna. Once my father had left, I turned to my two soulmates. Two. Lucky me.  "So, I don't really know what to do now, so how about we head back to my room, no doubt the rest will be there," Harry wrapped an arm around Luna's waist guiding us up the stairs towards the eighth year common room.

"Hey guys," I called once we entered the room, seeing Pansy, Neville, Draco, Rose, Blaise and Astoria lounging on the chairs. I took a seat by Astoria and across from Rose, Luna on my lap and Harry's arm around my waist. "So this was unexpected," Rose laughed, "How you feeling about it all?" "Well, I can say I'm confused, but I think we can adjust, plus your father offered all of us a weekend away," Luna answered, the lack of disgust or hatred relaxed both me and Harry.

"You should have seen Ginny's face, pure hatred for you and Luna," Rose laughed, playing with Draco's hair. "What do you mean?" "Well as soon as Harry's name was called out, her face went bright red and her hands were clenched, the only thing keeping her in her place was Goyle," "Well she can't do anything, we're soulmates, even if we don't understand how three people could work, we can do it, I think," Luna offered up, "Anywho, I think it's best we head down for food, I'm starving," Harry chuckled, he had really started to open up.

"Students, lessons begin for sixth years and above on Monday, the Ministry has agreed to send all couples on a weekend away to help mend any previous hatred or just to talk, you will leave tonight and return Sunday night, after tea you must return back to your rooms and a portkey will take you to where you will be going, clothes have already been provided, now let the feast commence."

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