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Alexander's POV
I heard our dad muttering to himself inside his office, Lafayette seems to hear aswell. "Should we be worried?" I asked my slightly older step-brother.

"Oui, he never mutters to himself if it's something important." He replied, opening the door. "Bonjour dearest father! Me and Alexander could practically hear you outside of the door. Is something wrong?" He barges in, me trailing behind.

"Well..." Our dad said, sitting down on his chair and us standing infront of him, well, at least I was standing, Lafayette was half seated on his desk, back turned to him. "I saw the news earlier and the number of murder and deaths increased by 10%. Sad news, 8% of it was done by humans." He stated. I gritted my teeth and balled my fists.

"They are killing our friends! Don't they realize that us vampires have families too?!" I complained, screaming and pacing around the room.

"Honestly, they need to know what we are first. They cannot assume that every vampire is thirsty for their blood. The blood suckers are at far west, away from the rift that divides the realms, our east bondaries are being heavily guarded and sealed by a wall. It is almost impossible for them to go to the human world." Lafayette pointed out.

"Exactly!" I screamed.

"Look boys, I don't like this as much as you do, but if we let them continue this, population of us peace wanting vampires will decrease. If we decrease further more, the blood suckers can easily get in East. Though, we are having troops guarding the rift, there's also a 70% chance they can get pass them." He paused. I stopped pacing right about there, waiting for his next move. "I have no other choice but to send vampires to the human realm, in hopes of getting one of them to defend us."

Lafayette stood straight and faced our dad, I went over next to him as he looked at me with worried eyes. "Who will it be?" I asked. "Surely, you can't just send anybody there."

"That's what I was debating with myself about earlier. I was thinking of sending both of you there."

We stood there shocked, not knowing what else to say. He wanted us to go to the other realm? "What?!" I screamed, slamming both my hands on his desk.

"Son, listen to me." He demanded. "You said it yourself. I can't just send anybody there, it's a far too risky move. I narrowed down the options of sending some troop leaders there, but I don't fully trust them. Bringing the choice down, to both of you. I know how much you care about the others, how you both want peace with humans and how you want your friends to be safe. I can trust both of you with this, without worrying you'll spill more information about us."

Lafayette's expression softened, while I still held fear. "I believe this is very -how you say- effective. We could easily do this." Laf pointed out.

"What?!" I shouted at him.

"Mon frère, we are teenagers oui? We can easily fit in with the other human teenagers." He said, but realizing something else so he turned to our dad. "Will we be going to attend a school? Because that seems to be the most sensible decision to make, since we are teenagers."

"You're right, I'll send an application to a nearby university from the rift. You'll set off in a week." He instructed us.

"It's settled then." Laf replied, taking my wrist and dragging me to the door. "We'll start packing now. Come Alexander, we can't waste a second."

I rolled my eyes and closed the door behind us once we got out. "Can we visit the Schuylers after? I would like to tell them about our death wish." I sarcastically asked.

"Oui, would be wise to tell the girls. You know how Angelica can get if we do irrational things without her consent."

I nodded and just went in my room to pack up.

Later That Day

Me and Laf flew to the Schuylers residences, where we found three of the most industrious women of our kind.



"And Peggy!"

"The Schuyler Sisters."

They sang as me and Laf sit on a branch of a tree, watching them.

"We're looking for a man at work."

"No no no!" Angelica blurted out all of a sudden, stopping the music and turning to her sisters. "It's we're looking for a mind at work, not man."

"Sorry." Eliza and Peggy said in unison.

"Either way..." Lafayette stood and hovered above them. "It was a great performance."

"Well if it isn't our favorite french vampire." Eliza said, looking up and hovering just a bit off the ground. "Rare to find you complementing us, what did you do this time? Both of you." She said, pointing at me -who still sat on the branch- with an annoyed face.

"Caught us." Laf replied, setting his feet on the ground as I approached them. "We're going to the human world."

"WHAT?!" All three Schuyler sisters exclaimed. I sighed and explained it to them.

After about a minute to process things, Peggy started crying, Eliza paced around and Angelica stood there, looking at us like we were insane. "We had no other choice." I stated, hovering a bit off the ground. "If we don't, more vampires are gonna suffer, the blood suckers could get near the humans!"

"So what?!" Eliza screeched. Tears spilled her eyes. "They deserve to get their blood sucked out of them!"

"Eliza!" Angelica scolded. "Shame on you!"

"Well I am not allowing people I care about die because of those humans! They already murdered our parents! They are not murdering my best friends!" Eliza contrasted. I sighed and pulled her in a hug, letting her sob on my chest.

"Hey, come on Liz, we'll be fine." I reassured her, rubbing circles on her back. "George said that the human world isn't much different. We could still text each other."

She nodded her head slightly, before pulling away. Peggy ran up to me and sobbed on my shoulder, wrapping her arms around me tight. "Idiots!" She screamed.

Lafayette giggled as Angelica hugged him. After they all seem to calm down, they told us they'll be there when we leave. "If you get killed, I'll murder you!" Eliza threatened.

"That sounds stupid." I chuckled. "Besides, you puke at the sighg of human blood."

"Hey!" She slapped my shoulders and I laughed at her.

We all went in for a group hug and bid our farewells. Laf and I went back home to prepare the applications. Dad told us we just needed to wait for the approval and we'll be all set.

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