Some Time with Alex

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     Nz woke up nice and early. He  looked over at Alex, who was still asleep. He smiled, she was so peaceful when asleep. He got up and went to make some breakfast for himself. A nice bowl of cereal would be enough for him. As he ate, he thought of Alex. Was she in love with him? He couldn't stop thinking of her beautiful brown hair, her brown eyes, and... Well, he didn't want to admit it, but yeah her breasts as well.

     The apartment was quiet and peaceful. Nz enjoyed it, but he would've enjoyed it more with Alex by his side. He watched some documentaries on the Triceratops, which fascinated Nz. They seem like magestic creatures.

     "Hey Nz, you're up early." Said Alex as they walked to the kitchen.

     "Sup. Yeah I know, didn't want to wake you up." Nz said. Alex smiled at the sentence. He is just an amazing person. She can't stop thinking about him, it was starting to get too much for her. She needed to do something.

     Nz saw Alex go to the bathroom and lock the door. Huh, she doesn't usually shower this early in the morning, Nz thought in his head. He heard some soft moans coming from the bathroom, which caused him to know what she was doing.

     "What is she doing? Is she... She is!" Nz whispered. Alex was pleasuring herself right in the bathroom! Who could she be thinking about? Nz started to become a bit jealous at whoever Alex was thinking about. His low self-esteem started to show up. Was he good enough for her? Does he even deserve her? He doesn't know how to fight, what if she got into trouble?

     About 7 minutes later (Nz counted), Alex left the bathroom looking much more relaxed.

     "So did you enjoy yourself?" Nz asked. Alex blushed harder than she ever had. She didn't know what to do, so she just stood there.

     "What do you mean?" Alex asked innocently. Nz sighed.

     "Alex, I know you were touching yourself in the bathroom." Nz said. Alex bit her lip, what was she going to do?

     "I-uh... How do y-you know?" Alex said. Nz turned to face her.

     "Moans. The moans were pretty load." He said. Alex covered her face in embarrassment. Nz got up and hugged her. Her soft hair comforted him as well. "Don't worry, whoever you are thinking of, I'm sure they'll like you back."

     Alex smiled. There was still a possibility that Nz loved her. She was weirding herself out though, she is in love with herself.

     "Come on, I made you breakfast." Nz said happily. Alex sat down and ate Nz's pancakes, enjoying it very much. He put the right amount of syrup, enough to go down her throat and not stick too much. She looked at Nz, he looked pretty busy thinking about something.

     "Hey, Nz?" Alex asked. This seemed to bring Nz back into reality.

     "Yeah?" Nz looked at Alex.
     "We haven't had much time to hang out. Want to go to the park?" She said. Nz nodded, seemingly more energetic than before. Alex smiled.

     They got dressed and left the apartment. They walked to the park, taking in the beautiful day. The sun was shining, the sky was bright blue, the birds were chirping, which was much better than what the author previously had in mind.

     "Wow, the park looks beautiful today!" Nz said, looking at the wonderful place right in front of him. Alex laughed as she and Nz began to play around.

     They looked at the ducks in the pond, took pictures of the birds they saw, and even ate some lunch on the benches. Alex enjoyed every second of  it, she loved hanging out with Nz. She still sees him occasionally zone out for a second. What is he thinking about? It annoyed her, she kept having that thought in the back of her head about him thinking of another girlfriend he had or something. She found herself becoming more protective of him whenever he is around other girls.

     "Alex? You okay?" Nz asked. Alex realized she had been zoning out. Nz just looking into her eyes made her heart skip a beat. She nodded, letting him know she was okay. Nz smiled, some wind messed up his hair. Alex giggled as she fixed it up for him. The wind became much more apparent as it became a bit chilly. Nz romantically gave Alex his hoodie, which she took happily. They both thought it was pretty cliche, but it was nice, so they let it go. Nz blushed a bit at the sight of Alex with his hoodie, she looked pretty in it.

     "You look good in that sweater, Alex!" Nz said, complimenting her. Alex smiled as she thanked him. They played around a bit more before deciding to go back home. The path was rocky though, so they tripped pretty often. In a way for Nz to impress Alex, he walked ahead and turned around. Alex laughed as he walked backwards. Unfortunately, Alex tripped over a large rock, falling on top of Nz. She opened her eyes, only to see her lips connected to Nz's lips. They were kissing.

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