Chapter 18 : Confrontation

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⬆️Caroline's Outfit⬆️

Caroline's POV-

That morning goes ahead without incident me and Klaus avoid any deep topics, but I can tell that he's looking at me differently. He seems lighter somehow, we are in the lounge relaxing and Klaus is trying to convince me to go for a run with him this afternoon.

Finally, I succumb to his pleading eyes "Fine, I'll come. But I want to hunt while we're out there." I say pouting.

"I'm always up for hunting love." Klaus says with a predatory glance.

Just then Kol strolls in ruining the moment

"I'm bored." he groans flopping onto the chair opposite us.

"Amuse yourself then Kol." Klaus growls at him.

Just then a phone rings shocking me. I glare at the room around me where on earth was that coming from. Klaus looks mystified as well for a moment.

"Oh for god's sake it's your phone Nik." Kol groans exasperated.

Klaus reaches into his pocket and then proceeds to glower at the offending item before answering it.

"What!" He all but growls.

It's a brief conversation with monosyllabic answers from Klaus often growled or said so uninterestedly it was a wonder he hadn't hung up yet.

"Apparently Damon Salvatore is in need of our assistance brother." Klaus says frowning.

"At last something to do, I wonder what's going on with the Scooby gang now?" Kol asks getting up intrigued.

"I wonder why they haven't called me?" I say frowning they are my friends if something's going down I want to know.

Just as I speak I get a text from Damon.

From : Damon
- Be at our house in 15 minutes Barbie

I groan showing Klaus the text, his glowers only increases and before I know it we are all getting into the car to go to the Salvatore's.

"So are you and Nik coming out as a public couple or is this like a dirty little secret thing." Kol says with a cheeky wink.

I choke on air apparently as I scramble for an answer.

"Leave it alone Kol." Klaus says warningly.

"I'm not going to hide it from my friends or lie to them about it. But how am I supposed to describe something when I don't know what it is myself." I say meeting Klaus's eyes.

"So what exactly is this Nik?" Kol asks as mischievous as ever.

"We're figuring it out Kol leave us alone." I groan at Kol.

"Oh so there is an us now is there darling." Kol's smirk is all smug.

"Yes." Klaus replies definitively and it shuts Kol up.

Normal chatter resumes and surprisingly Kol remains quiet. Well quiet for Kol anyway, I think he only made two crude comments and Klaus only had to threaten him once. Maybe I'd have a talk with him when we got home and see if he was feeling okay.

We get out of the car together and walk into the boarding house as a united front, it's nice to think of it like that. Although I don't seem to feel as wary as they do.

As soon as we enter everyone in the room turns to look at us and their looks are all varied from, confusion from Stefan, disgust from Elena and Boredom from Damon Bonnie just gives me a small reassuring smile.

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