Chapter 22 : Comfort

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⬆️Caroline's outfit ⬆️
Caroline's POV-

As soon as I'm awake I dread going downstairs for breakfast, I can hear the rest of the family mulling around and the fact that they aren't leaving or talking makes me think they are just waiting for us to get up.

Eventually I'm coerced into leaving with the promise of blood and bacon, Klaus doesn't seem wary at all but that's because he'll just threaten his siblings into submission; I on the other hand am completely unthreatening to a bunch of originals and dread the abuse I'm sure to get about last night.

We trounce into the kitchen and no one says anything I take a seat at the breakfast bar opposite Elijah and Kol, while Klaus gives me some blood and then moves to the oven to start the bacon I try and sip my blood inconspicuously; avoiding eye contact.

"So Caroline, have a nice night." Kol quips mischievously.

"Lovely thanks." I glare back.

"I bet it was." Rebekah mumbles.

"Get up to anything inter-esting." Kol says raising an eyebrow, then smirking at my blush.

"Kol." Klaus growls in warning.

"What Nik I'm merely asking Caroline if she enjoyed her evening." He says innocently.

"Leave it Kol." Klaus growls again more agitated, and through the bond I catch some form of anxiety from him I prod deeper trying to figure it out but he turns his face back to the bacon and the bond isn't strong enough yet.

I get up and walk around to him "Stop shutting me out." I say softly trying to force him to meet my gaze, he refuses turning back to start the eggs.

But I can feel his feelings and I know he feels anxious about something, like he's tense waiting for something to happen. Suddenly it occurs to me what's wrong, he thinks I regret it!

Even through our bond he thinks I could regret anything that happened between us, but it's because of his own lack of self-worth not his opinion of me; I know it's just his own insecurities and having quite a few of my own I understand him.

I turn to him moving the food of the heat forcing myself against his front making him look at me, making him see the honesty in my gaze.

"Never. Not ever no matter what we learn about this bond or what happens I would never feel that." I glare at him angrily now.

I grab his hand and put it on my neck making him grip it "Yours." I say softly

He nods in recognition and I feel some of the tension ease from him "Mine." he whispers growls in approval. I smile and when he releases me I move back to my seat the originals having continued with their conversation pretending not to listen to me and Klaus.

Elijah gives me a small smile and I return it, Kol and Rebekah continuing arguing over something pointless and before we know it Klaus has placed bacon and eggs and toast in front of all of us.

We all dig in and its gorgeous the bacon deliciously crisp the eggs creamy and well-seasoned, it's melt in the mouth gourmet food and for a moment I'm surprised but then I realise it's Klaus he doesn't do anything badly.

Klaus obviously senses my feelings and gives me a smug grin "1000 years love." he shrugs around his food.

I make a childish noise that makes him grin.

"That's not going to get irritating at all." Kol grumbles around a mouthful of toast.

I look at him confused as does Klaus, "The conversations half in your head half out loud, I feel like I there's constantly an inside joke." he exasperates.

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