Chapter 20 : Chinese Food

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Caroline's POV-

Its sometime later and we are all sitting around telling stories and laughing and the originals keep shooting bemused looks at me and Klaus, or each other and it makes me wonder if they'd ever had this before.

I smile thinking that I'm glad to be a part of it, I hear more about Kol's love for witches in the past and Elijah's love for strong women like the suffragettes. I hear about Rebekah's love for countless men and I hear about how overprotective Klaus can be.

Some of it is funny and some of it is just plain wrong, but I love how they are sharing it with me, in exchange I give them my childhood stories, of dares gone wrong with Elena and Bonnie. I tell them about growing up with a sheriff for a mum and it's nice to feel accepted by these people who have lived for hundreds of years, but yet seemed intrigued when I talk about Christmas or the school fair.

It was getting to be late afternoon when Kol suddenly decided that he was hungry, after some convincing and several votes we decided to go for Chinese; and it just so happened that Klaus knew an all you can eat place in the next town over.

We are walking towards the car when I have a though.

"Didn't you want to go for a run?" I ask mischievously raising an eyebrow at Klaus.

"We're going to run their guys, we'll meet you there." I say still smiling at a now grinning Klaus.

"Alright but no sex in the woods on the way there, I want to eat sooner rather than later." Rebekah said giving us a smug grin.

Klaus glares at her and then all too soon they are in the car and driving off, I look at Klaus who is grinning at me smugly.

I grin back nervous "Are you ready love?" He asks sweetly.

"As I'll ever be." I grin back and then we're off.

Klaus zooms past me at what seems like an incredibly fast rate, I try to run faster but I'm running my fastest and I still can't catch him. I hear the monster calling at me begging to be used and I can't help myself I decide to try something new.

I tap into the monster drawing on Klaus's energy and all too soon I'm launched forward going faster than I've ever gone before, I zoom past klaus and from what I can tell he looks shocked. But he quickly covers it and is at my side in a second. It's then I realise he was holding back the whole time and I wonder in amazement at what exactly he can do at the height of his power.

Using just a fraction of it I feel incredible as we whip through the forest, I wonder what he must feel being able to utilise all of that power. I wonder if when we are bonded I'll be even faster; I wonder if I'll be able to turn into a wolf! I think shocked but grinning.

I stop in shock and it makes me stumble and fall, I spit up dirt and roll over. Meeting the eyes of a very amused hybrid offering a hand to help me up.

I take it gratefully "Thanks." I say still grinning.

"You'll get used to it love" he says returning my grin "what distracted you." he says already knowing me way to well.

"I was just thinking when we are bonded, do you think I'll be able to turn into a wolf like you." I say hesitant, but instead of laughing like I expect he just tilts his head curiously.

"Is that something you would want?" he asks carefully.

"Yea, I think it's be awesome!" I say excited "When you got over the pain of course." I say frowning thinking about it.

Klaus laughs then, and not a little chuckle that I had gotten used to but a deep belly laugh and I can't help but find myself amazed at how much it changes his face. He looks younger more carefree and I can't help but find myself smiling at his exuberance.

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