Lost and Found Love (Larry Stylinson fanfic) Chapter 2

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  • Dedicated to One Direction

"Wha... What the Fuck is this?!"..... So many thoughts raced through my head at that moment. I didn't know what to think so I picked the bloody note up and read it. It was in really nice cursive writing and it said Meet me at the Irish pub tonight on the corner of Capitol road at 1:31 a.m sharp today if you want your friend to stay alive. I thought to myself "Oh shit, what now?" Then I looked at the clock in the corner of our small 765 square foot hotel room. It was exactly 1:20 a.m. There wouldn't be enough time to get the lads and Paul to help me! I stopped to think for a minuite. Who could've possibly written this note?The only other people that had a key to all of our hotel rooms were Paul, the management and Eleanor(Louis girlfriend). Does that mean that Eleanor possibly took Louis and left that note? She has nice handwriting like that.... But then again, Why would she do that?! I thought she loved Louis! "If it's her.... ughhh that mother fucking bitch!" I started running through the halls of the hotel and I even took the staris because the elevator would've taken much too long. I was halfway to the door whan I saw the paparazzi and all the screaming fans. They were blocking the door. I couldn't go that way so I went out the back door. I thought to myself "That screaming must have woken the boys up. I sure hope so because I could use the help!" As soon as I was out the door I started running as fast as I could, and thank god there were no fans following close behind me! I had gotten a major head start! I had ran about 2 blocks from my hotel and then I was finally there! "Hey, I've been here a few times with Louis before." I thought. I then burst into the pub making a loud noise as the clanging doors slammed against the brick red walls covered in posters. It smelled of strong beer and wine. I looked frantically around at the hundreds of people. There was no sign of Louis.  Then just as I was about to lose hope I saw the manager and asked what time it was. He said that it was 1:32 a.m. My face grew pale and the color was completely drained from it as I looked in all the lounge rooms, ignoring the people having sex when I pushed open the doors. I finally found him. He had a very deep, swollen and bloody cut down his neck.  like someone had cut him. Then I saw another note covered in blood, only this time it had a knife laid next to it. I once again read the note and it said "You have been spared from the death of your friend, but you're too late." My heart sank in my chest as I started to feel the tears coming down my cheeks in a heavy flow.

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