Lost and Found Love (Larry Stylinson fanfic) Chapter 3

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  • Dedicated to Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson

I really think that Eleanor did this, but then again I don't think she'd do such a thing! Eleanor always seems like she loves Louis!

*Flashback Starts*  (Eleanor) People need to stop calling Louis gay. I will not let you guys be together. *Eleanor bumps into my shoulder* (Harry) Ouch! Why in the world would she do that?! There has never really been anything too serious with me and Lou. Atleast not yet. *Flashback ends*

I'm very glad they broke up, but maybe because of that she did this to try and get back a me because she knows I love Louis so much. *thinks to self*

"Louis? Are you ok?! Can you hear me? Please answer me Louis!" *Louis suddenly coughs up a massive amount of blood while Harry yelled for help* The manager came running and asked what had happened and then he saw the huge scratch on his neck that was gushing blood, so he dialled 911.

(Manager)  "Hello, yes this is a very big emergency. There is a boy here who's neck is cut open severely and is gushing blood.

(Operator) "Ok, where are you located at?"

(Manager) " The Irish pub on Capitol street! Please come fast!"

(Operator) "Ok, I am sending help but please keep calm and mae the patient lay still so tha he doesn't lose more blood than he already has."

(Manager) "Ok, got it!!!" *slams phone down while hanging up*

(Harry) "Are the coming?"

(Manager) "Yeah." *takes in a sigh of relief*

(Harry) "I a am horrible fucking friend! I should've made Eleanor give that room key back to me as soon as the broke up!

*ambulence noises*

(Harry) "Phew, they're here."

(Doctor) "Step back sir. We need to lift him up on the bed."

(Harry) "NO!!! I won't leave him!"

(Cops) *Grab Harry's arm  and yanks him off Louis*

(Harry) "Hey, I'm his best friend. Can I atleast come with you to ride in the ambulence so that I can make sure he's ok?"

(Cops) "No, you must be related to him to ge a ride in the ambulence. Sorry son."

(Harry) "Where are you taking him then?"

(Cops) "He'll be at Holmes Chapel Emergency Center."

(Harry) *mumbles to self* Dang it! I'm going to have to take a taxi in order to get there. *runs off and hops into a taxi cab*

(Taxi man) "Where to?"

(Harry) "Holmes Chapel Emergency Center please, and if you drive fast I will pay you extra."

(Taxi man) "I'm not sure about that...."

(Harry) "Please, my friend might die. I want to be there with him as soon as possible!"

(Taxi man) "Ok, I'll do it for extra pay."

(Harry) "Thanks" *stomach turns* *gets butterflies*

(Taxi man) *starts driving at 86mph in a speed zone of 65*

(Harry) *feels self flying through the air* *gets knocked unconcious*

(Harry) *slowly opens eyes* "Wh-where am I?" *looks to the left and see's Louis in a bed with some bandages on his neck*

(Harry) *looks down at the needles sticking in arm and instantly feels the sharp, bruising pain*

(Harry) *smiles and feels happy that Louis is here* *wonders to self* Does Louis feel the same way about me being here with him?

(Nurse) *walks in*

(Harry) *looks over at the nurse who is wearing some dreary white hospital scrubs*

(Nurse) "You have some visitors, they've been waiting all night until you were awake Harry."

(Harry and Louis) *nod heads in agreement to let the visitors in our room*

*Niall, Liam, Zayn and our manager all walked in*

(Harry) *assumes in head that the manager just wanted to see if we were still alive because as soon as she walked in, she was on her way to some confrence that was supposedly more important than us*

(Zayn) *starts freaking out and gets a look of horror on his face* "I cried so much because I thought both of you were dead!"

(Harry) "Well, I'm still here aren't I? Or is this just a dream?"               ~Note The Sarcasm~

(Zayn) *breathes a sigh of relief*

(Niall) "I'm sorry that you both got hurt, but I have to go now because If I don't I will get sick to my stomach. I hate hospitals..."

(Harry) "I don't blame you for feeling like that.*

(Liam) *hugs both of us and leaves without saying much other than sorry and 'I have to go see what the others are up to'*

(Harry) "See you later then. Bye!"

(Louis) "Bye!"

(Harry and Louis) *fall asleep until 12:00 am and then they both wake up*

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