|| C A T E G O R Y F I N A L I S T S ||

145 19 64

I just want to say congratulations to all the books and their authors who made it to this point. All entries have been judged carefully and fairly, and all decisions were made based off the judging criteria.

I, Irisysal , judged a few extra categories so I could upload these results early due to the fact that I will not have access to this account for a couple of days after today.

|| S C I E N C E   F I C T I O N ||
Judge: Irisysal
Winner: dawn_norwell

|| R O M A N C E ||
Judge: Irisysal
Winner: EndingAtTheWillows
The Call

|| N O N F I C T I O N ||
Judge: saccente
Winner: QueenNicholson
Third Time's A Charm

|| F A N T A S Y ||
Judge: LightAM
Winner: Alana2215
From Down Under

|| V A M P I R E / W E R E W O L F ||
Judge: Irisysal
Winner: ArmedWithPencil
Ebony And Ivory

|| C O M E D Y ||
Judge: Irisysal
Winner: questint
The Rear View Mirror & Other Stories

|| T E E N  F I C T I O N ||
Judge: saccente
Winner: Dd_brown
Letters In A Box

|| P O E T R Y ||
Judge: New--Beginnings
Winner: Amaboo
Scars Of Armor

|| S H O R T  S T O R Y ||
Judge: Irisysal
Winner: YvonneKindle

|| H O R R O R / M Y S T E R Y ||
Judge: Irisysal
Winner: SouthPawStance
Quid Pro Quo

|| L G B T ||
Judge: OptimisticDragonfly
Winner: VictoriaSlater457
Twisted Vendetta

|| F A N F I C T I O N ||
Judge: saccente
Winner: bloodbrothers1864
A Future Without Fear

|| A D V E N T U R E / A C T I O N ||
Judge: Irisysal
Winner: ScottBrighton
The Society

|| P A R A N O R M A L ||
Judge: Irisysal
Winner: growingupinsane
Loving Minuet

|| H I S T O R I C A L F I C T I O N ||
Judge: Irisysal
Winner: kris_ju
Demons Of Heaven

Each finalist has been followed by this account and has been added to a reading list on The Dauntless Warrior Awards profile page, where they will remain permanently. Each finalist will be judged a second time by Irisysal , and the winners and runner-ups will be chosen and announced no later than July 15th.

The Dauntless Warrior Awards || 2019 || CLOSEDWhere stories live. Discover now