(too lazy to edit)
People who did it: Me (again) Pmoah, DoiDoidoiyoylecake, Ari and bloodytophat
(idk if i forgot others)
Cake:back off he's mineFight escalates into physical Loser: stopCake shut up loser107 RepliesJan 17Four: WHAT ARE YOU DOIN?ReplyFeb 02Pin: Guys, Stop, You Might Get Screeched At! You Know That Four Doesn't Like To Get Inturuppted While He's Sleeping!ReplyFeb 02Four: Right! *S C R E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E CH.*ReplyFeb 02Basically everybody in the household besides four: (now in an unconscious state)ReplyFeb 03Four: My work here is done :3 Tree: *Takes earplugs off* Huh, what was that? Four: (-. _-.) (idk how to do faces)ReplyFeb 05Pen: (Just waking up) REALLY FOUR?! I was napping 😞ReplyFeb 07Four: Whoops... IDC *SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE*ReplyFeb 09Pen and Tree: (le unconscious)ReplyFeb 09X: NICO NICO NII Four: REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEReplyFeb 10Nonexisty escapedReplyFeb 10Four: NONEXISTY! *Paints everything blue* X: Why me? Pencil: *Wakes up* Is four gone Four: SHUT CHO HECC Four: WHERES MY NONEXISTY Pencil: Four, four! use the nonexisty detector! Yellowface: That's my line! Four: *Screeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeech* Pencil (Breaking fourth wall): Really again? Hey u guys can u delet four out of this Me: Is not four a main? Pencil: Oh right... Carry on then *Faints*ReplyFeb 10X: FOUR SHUT YO MOUTH OR I GETTIN DA DUCK TAPEReplyFeb 14Four: NO U GET SCREECHED TO SCR- Pencil: (Breaking fourth wall again): Well, you ain't doing anything. *Duct tapes four* There we go. X: HAX THE FLIPPING HAX I WAS SUPPOSE TO DUCT TAPE. Tree: Hello I'm the best character here so don't kill me.ReplyFeb 14Muffin(My OC): WHAT UP -----ES?! Grassy: What does -----es mean? Golf ball: MUFFIN GET OVR HERE YOU CURSED IN FRONT OF GRASSY Muffin: Shoot um I GOTTA RUN (Golf ball is chasing muffin around the house with a fork)ReplyFeb 15Tree: Where is the fork? On your foot? Gb: *Eating muffin* Wat? Grassy: Snowball taught me a new poem. It's called F--k Blocky: Shall we? GB: We should Basketball: WE NEED TO PROTECT GRASSY .-.ReplyFeb 15(XD) Muffin: (recovered) WAT UP AND GRASSY DONT TOU DARE READ THAT TB: Lord Please Help Us Liy: NO WE NEED SATAN Remote: Gosh um wow Four: SKIDADDLE SKIDOODLE YOUR DICK IS NOW A NOODLEReplyFeb 16 This comment may be offensive.Grassy: *Reads it* Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck fuck fuck... I really hate you guys. Fuck fuck fuck fuck... The dick is a noodle. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck I hope pen will read this Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck I ran out of words that rymes with F__k. by Snowball. Four: *Claps hands* WAY TO GO GRASSY! Fbi in backround:Who called us here? Grassy fan that is a FBI: MY BABY! WE GOTTA PEOTECC HIM! Gb: It's too late.ReplyFeb 16Four creeping up to X: Swiggity Swooty Give me the booty X: Excuse me what the f-- GB: NOReplyFeb 17Four: I have another song! Gimmie that booty, show me the booty. Give me the booty, I want the booty. All females (Except golf ball): *Hides their behinds* GB: Diana and Muffin please forgive me what I'm going to do. :Ban FourReplyFeb 17Error: You are not allowed to run the command ':Ban Four'. GB: F--k! O o p s Grassy: 👍 Muffin: Team bleh get over here imma show you a ship on the Internet (Muffin shows team bleh TacoPop)ReplyFeb 17Lollipop: *Disappears and runs a bleach stand now* Bleach bleach! Come and get your bleach! Match: Like, your mustache is off! Just like your brain. Lollipop: *Shows match a Bubble X Match ship* (Weird twist) Lolli and Match: Bleach Bleach get your bleach here!ReplyFeb 17(XD again) Muffin: why exactly are we selling bleach Lollipop: for your eyes Muffin: wth GB: STOP CURSING REEEEEEEE Taco: I'm fine with the ship I like lollipop anyways (eats self) Muffin: ... Book: yay taco is ded! Muffin: EXCUSE ME WHAT THE F--k?! GB: SOTP IT Sotp sign: FBI OPEN UPReplyFeb 17Me: Oh boi.ReplyFeb 17can I join lollipop: here I go! muffin: so back on tra- where did all the bleach at Match: WE'RE RICH! LOLLIPOP: YEAH I'M RICH! Muffiun: What? Lollipop; *Flies off with golden jetpack* (My object) Purple pencil: Wow.ReplyFeb 18Match: COME BACK YOU SYS WHITE SCUM! Blocky and grassy: *Puts headphones on* GB: Wow. She even supassed- Snowball: I AINT GONNA LET MY CUSSING STEREAK CONE TOA END (Sorry lazy af) F__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kF__kReplyFeb 18(I also have another whatever while snowball is cussing) Match: -Gets on jet pack and follows lollipop- HELLO MOTHERFUCKAH! Lollipop: -Does loser sign- Birdie: Oh lookie I think I hit the- *His lollipop* OOF Lolli: *Drops money* Firey: *Burns the money* ... OMF........I JUST....... FoUnd ASHedS Match I'm embarrassed to be related to youReplyFeb 18Muffin: oh god Book: SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE TACO IS DED TIME FOR A PARTY SCREE-- Muffin: NO TACO IS ONE OF THE BEST CHARACTERS Book: wat Pencil: what did I miss while I was getting ice cream Match: ME GETTING RICH Pencil: oh gosh you actually fell for it 😂 (Presses button and the jet packs disappear)ReplyFeb 18Lollipop and match: *Falls of the hard ground cold whatever tile what? I mean grassy floor* Lollipop: *Spits out feathers* Wow. Match: .................................................................................... Lollipop: So how are we gonna get back? *Minutes later* Match: How many miles away from home... I'm getting hungry. Lollipop: *Looks and backs away* Flying coiny: HI GUYS! HOW'S YOUR DAY! Both females: What? Coiny: Welp I'm gonna go back Pin needs me. Lollipop: WAIT TAKE ME WITH YOU!ReplyFeb 18(While when those two are lost) Pencil: So... Pin: So.... Pen: So.... Needle: *Makes a great feast for everyone* I made everyone's favorite! Yes even chocolate for you pencil. Pen: Time to dig in- Waut... Where's match and lollipop? Pencil: Idk :3 Needle: Just eat. Book *Eats taco* Saw: Wrong taco... Taco: Why do I exist again? Me: Huhehehe.ReplyFeb 18saw: BOOK STOP EATING TACO! Purple pencil: Oh boy... here we go again...ReplyFeb 19Lollipop: I:I Stop licking me. Match: Sorry I'm fixing your face. Flying coiny: You're doing the opposite you're breaking her face. Match: To look like you. Coiny: YOU'RE MEEN! *Flies away* Firey: OOf Need some some guys? Both females: Yes please! Firey: I hope my half-eaten pretzel won't get cold... Lollipop: THEY HAVE FOOD? YOU SHOULD HAVE SAID THAT SOONER WHEN MATCH STARTED EATING ME!ReplyFeb 19Muffin: Oof Um I'm Gonna Go Look For Lollipop And Match Hey Guys Um Come On Needle Made Food Lollipop: (Still Raging) Pen: Hey Dudes Um I'm Playing Video Game If You Wanna Join Meh Sheildy: (Bursts into the room) THERES A STORM OUT THERE OH GOSH Muffin: Oh Hey Sheildy Take This Chicken Wing Chicken Wing: GOBBLE GOBBLE GOBBLEReplyFeb 19 This comment may be offensive.Leafy: Oh no the food blew away from the storm! Needle: *Becomes depressed and eats a purple lollipop* Lollipop: *Faints* Four: YOU FORGOT ME ALL SEASONS! NOW YOU'LL BE PUNISHED! RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA *Gets lit by a pie* ... Lollpop: SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU BITCH NOBODY CARES ABOUT YOU BASTARD I MEAN WHO WOULD GO WITH A PRICK LIKE YOU N___A (Blahs and more) Four: *Starts to cry* You meanie! Pillow: *Vores the angry lollipop* Leafy: Phew thanks pillow. Pillow: ..... Yum. Others(besides leafy and taco): *Terrified*ReplyFeb 20Taco: I hate my life Eraser: IM GAY (Intense dabbing) Liy: I'm gonna go summon Sagan brbReplyFeb 20(Satan)ReplyFeb 20(oh) [1 month later when Satan destroys their world] Pillow: Why wont she die? Match: Its called main character. Taco: Where is x? Naily: Me hungry :( Lollipop: WHy you mad? Book: Cause taco is a main and she's ALIVE. Lollipop: Why you sad? Taco: Idk.... Lollipop: When you can be....ReplyFeb 20Lollipop: A MISTAKE?!ReplyFeb 20Match: lol Lollipop: this joke was for your everybody aka your all mistakes NOW KNEEL DOWN PEASENTS Pencil: Your the only peasant here Lollipop: WAIT WHAT Pencil: WE ALL MOVED TO ANOTHER TOWN Pencil: LolliTHOTReplyFeb 21Match: Whatheck Pen: Four why u destroy our village? Four: Shut up. Creepy guy: *Breathes hardly* H-h-hi Match: .-. CG: Is this Tokyo ghoul or attack on titan? Match: None. CG: II or bfb? Bubble: BFB Creepy guy: Well thats just great. (Woody in a distance): Why do I feel my fiance getting kidnapped?ReplyFeb 21TD: (silent screaming)ReplyFeb 21Woody-pai: I'LL SAVE UReplyFeb 22TD chan: (Silently says help)ReplyFeb 22Super Woody: RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA *Flies to the kidnapper's hideout* Tb: Why do I feel like someone is using my power again. Pencil: *Farts* It was the yogurt. Lollipop: *Randomly comes out of nowhere with wings* YA LEFT ME TO ROT! THATS WHY I HIRED CRE-- Woody: *Crushes lolli* WHAT DID YOU SAY? MY SENPAI ARE YOU OKAY?ReplyFeb 22TD: 👍ReplyFeb 23WoodHero: *Blushes* Blocky:.... Can we go home now?ReplyFeb 23Four: Nope! (Insert infinity war) ReplyFeb 23Bottle -Holding a reading book-: And everyone died! The end. Firey: That did not work at awl! Lollipop: HEY GUYS LOOK ITS A GAY/LESBIAN/BISEXUAL CONVETION LETS CHECK IT OUT! No straits allowed. Pin: Dammit. sorry coiny I need to hide with leFYReplyFeb 23Pencil: Hello fellow Bisexuals! Lollipop: Hey! *Shakes hands with thot Match: Stop shaking my hand please. Leafy: Great... Firey: So where are we? Match: We're like in the shopping district part of this. Liy: And I'll show you guys all the ways maybe we can find new members of out main club! Pen: That sounds great! Liy: Lets go! Narrator: And so, our heros... Ah whatev. GUYS WAIT FOR ME!ReplyFeb 24Liy: Excuse Meh But- Tree: ? Liy: Oh Pen: HEYA BITCH Tree: Pfft Hahah Oh my god I Luv Ya Pen: HehReplyFeb 24Tree: Did you notice I was narrating? :3 Pencil: Shut up loser. Loser: *Glares at pencil*ReplyFeb 24Cake: THATS MY LINE THOT Pencil: wth Liy: Ok, What now? (The heroes see Remote) Remote: Oh hey guys. I was just looking at the horny section here. Tree: _ O-OReplyFeb 24Pencil: Well time to see them hornies!ReplyFeb 24Guys stop cursing grassy is here ((slaps everyone who cursed))~GoReplyFeb 25 This comment may be offensive.Pencil: I can do whatever the Fuck I want to, bitch. Cake: (Slow clapping)ReplyFeb 25((slaps to more times))ReplyFeb 25 This comment may be offensive.Tree: Shut the Fuck Up.ReplyFeb 25n oReplyFeb 25*Explodes peeps who cussed* Pencil : U CANNOT EXPLODE MAINS!ReplyFeb 25uwu good job my child b l o w e m u pReplyFeb 26Me: Wat... Pencil: Welcome to the lesbian district (what?) of the convention! I'm sure you will love this bubble and ball on a stick! Lollipop; Wha?ReplyFeb 26;-; (takes stick)ReplyFeb 26Lollipop: Ow You Tryin To Dismember Me?ReplyFeb 26Com: Nope! Pencil: lel.ReplyFeb 26I "Com" me? Just call me AriReplyFeb 26 This comment may be offensive.Taco: (Yeets self into Lesbian district) Book: (Walkin in and sneakin up to Taco) Book: HEYA FUCK ASS RETARD YOUR A FUCKING IDIOT AND NIBOY FUCKING LIKES YOU YA LIL SHIT Lollipop: (Burns book)ReplyFeb 26Firey: Why? Lollipop: wat.pad.ReplyFeb 27Loolipop: Hmm lets go to the gay section. Four: You better not. Main charaters: (already left) Four: Bruh.ReplyFeb 28(RAINBOWS ARE EVERYWHERE) Tree: It's too bright.... Taco: (Plays Some Holy Music)ReplyFeb 28Lollipop: There is a ship called 4.. Four: *Destroys convention* LETS PLAY SOME VIDEO GAMES! Everyone in the convention: *Puff out smoke* Okay.ReplyFeb 28Muffin: (intense dancing to I'm already tracer)ReplyFeb 28(this is a fanfic on its own)ReplyFeb 28Muffin: (at the you should be part) I. WALUIGIReplyFeb 28Me: (sotp it. git sum heelp)ReplyMar 01Sotp sign: sumboody caledd???ReplyMar 01Ice cube: No!ReplyMar 01sotp sing: ohkay thhenReplyMar 01Lollipop: *Stomach growls* I'll be right back I'm going to eat. Match: Sure. Lollipop: Hey needle can you make me something? Needle: *Is currently depressed* What is life... Four: Life is bad. Pen: Life is love Liy: There's no such thing as/of lifeReplyMar 01Life is life *sips facts not tea*~Go signReplyMar 03Go sign: SOMEONE CLLED ME? Sotp sign: *Called Go sign: shut up. Pencil: Well that was weird.ReplyMar 04YeetReplyMar 1700F DIZ ALSO DED NOWReplyMar 17VeryReplyMar 18I was hpoing it will get to 100 replies XDReplyMar 18It's at 84 We're closeReplyMar 19EEVEE YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEReplyMar 19EEEEEEEReplyMar 19I want to diReplyMar 19OofReplyMar 19Ahh were almost at 90 repliesReplyMar 2190 RELPIES WE ONLY NEED 10 MOREReplyMar 21WERE ALMOST THERE AAAAAAReplyMar 21Y e sReplyMar 21YesReplyMar 21Y e s s s sReplyMar 21IReplyMar 21WillReplyMar 21StealReplyMar 21TheReplyMar 21FinalReplyMar 21CommentReplyMar 21HAHA I GOT ITReplyMar 21>:0ReplyMar 21Eh it's fineReplyMar 21...ReplyMar 21This is chaosReplyMar 22That what he/she said.ReplyLol what a great story (sorry if its so messy i did not have time to fix it and the other one)

No Nope and Uh... Yes?
Short StoryNo. Edit: I'm also a fan of obgec showz and mor stuf PIERAT JAPUN CHIEECESDW AMEIKA HEHEHEHEHEHEHE