Another thing.
As the tributes stand on their podiums, the horn sounds.
Mad Dummy grabs a shovel. (not a knife.)
Eren Yeager retrieves a trident from inside the cornucopia.(that's for Asgore m8)
Asriel finds Froggit hiding in the cornucopia, but Froggit kills him.
W.D Gaster runs away from the Cornucopia.
Muffet runs away from the Cornucopia.
Napstablook runs away from the Cornucopia.
Asgore and Chara fight for a bag. Chara gives up and retreats.
Snowdrake, Mettaton, and Frisk work together to get as many supplies as possible.
Temmie runs away from the Cornucopia.
Papyrus finds a bow, some arrows, and a quiver.
Grillby grabs a backpack, not realizing it is empty.
Flowery (IK they are same) clutches a first aid kit and runs away.
Toriel runs away from the Cornucopia.
Sans snatches a bottle of alcohol and a rag.
Monster Kid grabs a sword.
Greater Dog finds a backpack full of camping equipment.
Burgerpants grabs a backpack and retreats.
Annoying Dog rips a mace out of Undyne's hands. (THE LEADER DIDN'T-)
Alphys runs away from the Cornucopia.Sans searches for firewood.
Alphys makes a wooden spear.
Papyrus attacks Frisk, but she manages to escape.
Grillby hunts for other tributes.
Mad Dummy thinks about home.
Toriel practices her archery.
Mettaton sets an explosive off, killing Snowdrake, and Muffet.
Eren Yeager and Flowery (IK they are same) fight Burgerpants and W.D Gaster. Burgerpants and W.D Gaster survive.
Asgore injures himself.
Froggit discovers a cave.
Annoying Dog practices his archery.
Temmie, Undyne, Greater Dog, Napstablook, and Chara hunt for other tributes.
Monster Kid makes a wooden spear. (He's taking off from Undyne)Alphys receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor.
Annoying Dog, Froggit, and Mettaton sleep in shifts.
Chara cooks her food before putting her fire out.
Mad Dummy pushes Temmie off a cliff during a knife fight. (don't challenge him when he has a knife)
Undyne is unable to start a fire and sleeps without warmth.
Toriel, Sans, and Papyrus cheerfully sing songs together. (This canon. if you spare the them)
Frisk, Asgore, W.D Gaster, and Greater Dog sleep in shifts.
Monster Kid receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor.
Napstablook falls into a frozen lake and drowns.
Grillby defeats Burgerpants in a fight, but spares his life.Greater Dog receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor.
Papyrus camouflauges himself in the bushes.
Froggit camouflauges himself in the bushes.
Chara receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor.
Sans fishes.
Asgore defeats Toriel in a fight, but spares her life. (AHHJHHHHH HAHHHHHHHHHHH AHHHHHHHHHHHH AHHHHHHHHHHUHHHHHHHHHHH. HUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH AH. Ah. ah. Okay, I'm done.)
Monster Kid diverts Mettaton's attention and runs away.
Burgerpants makes a wooden spear.
Frisk defeats Annoying Dog in a fight, but spares his life. (well uh, technically-)
No Nope and Uh... Yes?
KurzgeschichtenNo. Edit: I'm also a fan of obgec showz and mor stuf PIERAT JAPUN CHIEECESDW AMEIKA HEHEHEHEHEHEHE