Shit I remembered last night

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Flicker book made me think of this moment I had with na friend of mine.

So, I and her were having sex in the bedroom (yes, sex, we tried bypassing words)

(the her was the murderer too-)

Then vErOnIcA (or a female that looked like her) stepped her fat leg in the room.

And saw us doing our stuff.

I looked back and I went like: GET OUT

Then the fat legs girl said : "Nah, im staying this entertaining"

Then the next part, she died 

And what do you know?

She died in the room.

"If you stay in the room, you die in the room." - Quote I said.

Another thing I remebered, was the fact I got a character that looked sleepy. And me and my big fat mouth went like: I LOOK LIKE IM ABOUT TO SLEEP ANYTIME SOON.

Then I died.

While sleeping.

Well done murderer.

I only have a screenshot when people are huddling me

I only have a screenshot when people are huddling me

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Maybe this.

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