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"So Jack who's on the hit list today?" I ask brightly.

"Calm down tiger. Its scary how excited you are to kill someone." He jokes.

"Enough humor jack ass. (No pun intended) Just give me my kill today."

The business that's how it works. Been in it since I'm 18. You get your kill. Get to know them, find them, kill them, take what you are ordered to, and lastly get paid.

Of course when your getting started you don't get difficult kills and don't get paid much. I'm 21 now, been in the business for four years and becoming richer every kill.

Call me souless, heartless, twisted I won't care because I'm the most sane person you will ever meet. I feel no guilt towards the dead guy because there is always a reason.

We don't just kill random people, we have a list and people get added. Normally we get people who cheat on their spouse or people who have robbed their own company. And trust me they deserve it.

"Well Kas you have a Robert Wesley. He owes money to a few people, robbed his company and cheated on his two wives."

"So he's the douche package?" My words ooze with sarcasm.

"Basically. But it's so funny that he was married to two different women and had two different families." Jack laughs and I roll my eyes.

"I need his folder." I demand.

He hands me the rest of the information. His work, address, phone, credit card number, ect. I sit down in one of the chairs of the empty ware house and read up on my guy.

He's a interesting guy. Lots of things he is going to be killed for. His situation just keeps getting worse as I read on. Everyone hated the guy. Good no guilt.

I close the folder up and hand it back to Jack. I know everything i need to know. Its 6:30 now and he lives so god damn far.

"You got this right?"

"When do I not." I joke and run out the of the ware house.


Finally I reach the door to his damn penthouse. I look around before I pick the lock, but I am surprised to find it unlocked. I enter and close the door behind me.

I look around the penthouse, remembering how its mapped out. I stelth around so I don't make a sound. Slowly I move towards his bedroom.

Again the door is open.

Does he not like to lock things or something?

I go into the room and see him, but something isn't right. It doesn't look like he's moving.

I move closer as quite as I possibly can.

His appearance becomes clearer and so does the huge red stain on chest.

Someone killed him already.

I look around to loot what I need. I saw the filing cabinet in the front room,but something distracts me. More like a someone.

He has on all black with his hood pulled over his head. He has a slim face with blonde hair and green eyes. He took my kill.

Don't blow up on him Kas. Be professional.

"Hey you!" I call at him and he doesn't stop.

He just moves faster and I move after him. Before I leave I take what I need and double check I didn't leave anything behind. I then lock up and head out, changing after hoodie.

"HEY HOODIE DUDE!" I yell and he stops so suddenly I almost run into him.

Knowing I have his attention I make sure I get the best of it.

"Dude you took my kill. What the hell man?!"

"Oh darling he was never your kill." A thick English accent flows over every single one of his words.

"Darling? Your an ass hole. Do you know what's going to happen when my boss finds out that I didn't kill my guy? He's going to freak."

"Jack won't give a flying shit. One kill won't hurt his little business. Your system isn't that fragile."

Jack? Your system? Who the hell is this guy?

"How do you know any of that?"

"Sweet heart you won't want to know. Just tell Jack that Will says hi." And with that he's gone

Will, huh.



Now you know some stuff and then there will be more stuff to come!

Excitement *jaz hands*


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