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"Kill Jack?" He questioned.

"Yeah, maybe that could be the solution to all of our problems. That way he will never know about us." I say and kiss him softly.

"You got a plan angel?" He smiles.

I nod and explain what I had in mind. Will nodded the whole time and then we agreed. We both got off the ground and I stole one last kiss from him. I grab my gun and all my stuff.

"Wait hold on." I say and pull out my gun and shoot the couch. "There." I say simply and start to walk out.

Will follows with a weird expression on his face. "Why the hell did you shoot my couch? As far as I can remember it did nothing to you." He laughs.

"Needed to get rid of a bullet without taking it out, you're supposed to be dead remember?" I scoff.

We get to my motorcycle and I pull out my spare helmet. I start off back to the ware house. I stop a few blocks down and we walk listening to the sound of our footsteps bouncing off the hallow walls of the ally way.

We get to the ware house and I have my gun and the box of matches in my pocket. I wink at Will and he goes to the back if the ware house and I go in the front.

Slowly I walk up the stairs and find Jack at his desk like I knew he would be. He looks up at me, with a bit of surprise drawn on his face.

"Kas what are you doing here?" He askes and puts his pen down.

"Just wanted to stop by and drop off my spare gun." I say and pull my extra gun out of my backpack.

"You killed Will?" He asks.

"Yeah, it was actually really simple." I nod.

"Really now? He didn't put up a fight, he's the type of person to do that."

"Well I didn't give him time." I say simply, trying to cover my tracks.

"He's not dead is he Kas?" He presses.

"Sure he is! I sent you the pictures of his body." I panic, but my voice stays calm.

I see Will creep up behind Jack. He pulls out his gun from his pocket and presses the barrel to the back of Jack's skull.

"You're right Jack, I'm not dead." Will hisses.

"What a surprise now ain't it? You knew that I knew about you two. But you were going to go along with it and not kill him and fake his death, right? Right." Jack nags.

"Jack I hope you know that I know more than you think. I knew about your spies, how you know Will, what you did to him, even some of your personal information." I trail on, having Will keep him at gun point so I can taunt him. If Jack tries anything he's a dead man.

"How?" Is all he manages to say.

"When you put an encryption code on your computer, make sure its one I can't get into." I smile.

Jack stares at me with wide eyes and a gaped open mouth. He was too stupid to put two and two together earlier, but now its all making sense to him.

"You got into my computer?" He asks yet another stupid question.

"Oh yes. Dear old Cameron Jackson Rench, your birth name. You hated your parents because you dad was a drunk and your mom a whore. She would leave the house to go fuck another man while your dad was blacked out from his liquor. You ran away at 18 and changed your name to Jackson Carter Hevn. Very interesting there Jack, or should I call you Cam. You started this because you wanted to get back at your parents, so you killed them in cold blood. Then you made this grow. You know you are very interesting because you would only pick up people who would want to take revenge, people with sick pasts so you can twist it however you wished to make them kill more."

By this time Jack looked like he was going to explode. I was bothering him, what my goal was.

"You made people in to cold hearted killers. It was all part of your sick plan, to kill innocent people. To ruin all of society with your dumb mind tricks. Jack you have fucked up lives of many people, put people behind bars because you brainwashed them. I'm going to put a bullet in your head to save all those problems and venge all those people." I hiss.

Horror is written all across his face. As sick as it is it makes me feel a bit of joy. The real enemy is defeated.

"You are finally defeated Jack. Any last words?"

And there was, two words. "You. Won."

The sound of the gunshot echoed in the warehouse. I looked at Will and he nodded. We each took a tin of gasoline from the supplies closet. I went through the front, pouring the gasoline as I went, Will doing the same but through the other side. We both met outside and made a huge puddle of gasoline that connected our trails.

"Do the honors Kas." Will smiles.

"Get ready to run." I say and strike the match.

It falls onto the puddle of gasoline and then splits along the paths. It was all a chain reaction. Will and I ran right as the fire split among the paths.

We made it to my motorcycle and drove to my apartment complex. I started to pack my stuff once I was in my apartment. For some odd reason Will's car was here and he had his bag with him.

"I'll wait in the car." He said and I nodded.

I packed a duffle bag full if clothes and bathroom stuff. Plus my backpack I already had with my important stuff. I was ready and then got in the car with Will.

He drove off and we were soon out of the city and on a highway. The only light was from the headlights of other cars.

"We beat him." I say and let out a breath of relief.

"You beat him. It was your plan." Will says and put his hand on my upper thigh.

"So where are we going?" I ask.

"I don't know, where ever we find ourselves, but I have a pitstop in mind." He winks and his hand moves to inside my shorts.

(Sexual content)

He starts to move his fingers around in me. I let out a soft moan and he stops. His hand remains in my pants, until we reach a rundown motel. I smirk a bit.

We get into our room. And again one thing leads to another. I lay there with Will for a bit and then we both end up falling asleep.



"What now!"

"Um, sir, J-jack is d-dead."

"What! What do you mean Jack is dead!?"

"She killed him, but there's good news."

"What is that?"

"She's with Will."

I so sorry to say this but there is *counts on fingers* 4 chapters left in this story.
I am sad to see this story go so fast. But this isn't the end and its going to be really long 4 chapters.
Love you all!

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