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Will. Will. Will. Will. Will. Will.


His name just keeps repeating in my head like a broken record. I've been getting non stop texts from him since I woke up. Of course I ignore all of them, but he just keeps sending them.

I turn my phone off before I walk into the same room as Jack.

"Morning Kas." Jack acknowledges me and hands me my envelope of cash.

"How much because I didn't make the kill?" I ask

"Only five hundred because you gave me the information." He says flatly.

"Got it," I breath "So paperwork today?" I ask hoping for a no.

"Actually no. You have a profile today. " he says and hands me the folder bursting with papers "You've got a family today." He says.

"Ah yes more kills to get in." I say and open the folder and look at the family.

"You got a dad, 42, mom, 41, and the two twins, 16. Kill them all and there should be a brown package in the safe in the closet in the upstairs closet."

"What are they in for?" I ask.

"Drug trafficking. They aren't even a real family, a fake one so they don't get caught. The twins are really related but the parents have no relation to the kids." Jack explains as I look over the papers.

Maps of the house, code of the safe, background information, medical papers, everything. The details are what counts.

"Brown package, four kills, your dead cash." He reminds me. (That was bad)

"Jack this house is ten minutes out of the city. I can't get there that fast in foot." I state more as a question than an statement.

"I got a ride for you. Put the folder down a second." He says and I follow him.

In the garage of the ware house is a late model motorcycle. My jaw drops to the floor.

"I'm using that?" I ask I'm shock.

"Well if your going to kill them you have to go I'm style." He says like it was the most obvious thing on earth.

"Well sorry. What time do I leave tonight?" I ask, my fingers itching to get to the bike.

"Six o'clock sharp. Leave at that time and you will make perfect timing." He winks at me.

I suddenly feel uncomfortable. I have never felt this way around Jack for the many years I have been working with him, but then again he has never done something like this.

Maybe he is in love with you?

My mind swarms with thoughts that aren't true. He can't be in love with me, we have been working together for too long.

I shrug it off and ignore the thoughts bouncing through my head. I stare down the motorcycle, like I am waiting for it to spring to life on it's own. I guess Jack caught on because he clears his throat breaking the silence.

"You sure you want to do this one? It's more kills at once than you have ever done." Jack questions me and I am taken a back in shock.

Did he really just question my skills?

"Excuse me? Jack remeber I killed that one guy in the middle of the city, during the day?" I ask him and hoping he gets my point.

"Oh yeah, sorry Kas." he says and his head sinks down in shame.

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