Chapter 2 Encounters

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Sorry it took me so long to update! I was being a dummkopf and was freaking out that I have no way to upload files with my computer, and when I was about to give up, I realized there was copy-and-paste choice. -_-" Hope you guys enjoy reading the chapter as much as I liked writing it.

Disclaimer: I (sadly) do not own Hetalia or any of it's characters.

Chapter 2 Encounters

His violet eyes widened in what I can only guess to be disbelief as he saw my face. He said a word with a shocked look upon his face. I had to strain my ears to hear it because although he seemed to have tried to be loud, it had only come out in a whisper. "Gilbert?!" The tips of his lips went up forming the biggest smile I've ever seen. "So this is where you've been? And here I was worried that you were dead or something. Do you know where any of the others are?"

Well, that confirms it, I do know him. And he is the one that the name I remembered belongs to. But he expects me to know who he is! Why couldn't I have run into him after I remembered him? It'd be so much easier to not have to explain that I have no clue who the heck he is except 'Matthew'. After thinking for a moment, I said, "Nope, I'm not dead. But I was in the hospital for a little while. So, who are you?"

The happiness and relief that mingled in his eyes were instantly replaced with despair and disappointment. Matthew's head lowered so that it was facing the floor. It was clear that he was sad. But why? Was it something that I said to him? His whole demeanor changed when I asked, "Who are you?"

"Are you messing with me Prussia? You know who I am." Matthew said quietly. Couldn't he speak louder? And wait, didn't he say my name was Gilbert a while ago? Was Prussia my last name or something? Gilbert Prussia. Nah, that didn't sound right. My last name was something else. Was Prussia a nickname perhaps?

Then I realized I hadn't responded to what he said. "No. I don't know you. Sorry." I would have added that I'd remember someone like him, but that'd be a lie. He didn't have much of a presence. Matthew looked hurt by my statement. He was frowning now. And there was no trace of the smile he had previously on his face.

"Liar," Matthew said, "You even knew my name." Again he spoke quietly. It was getting annoying having to strain my ears to hear him speak.

"That's all I know." I said. "Just the name 'Matthew'. Nothing else. I have no clue who you are."

"What do you mean by that?" Matthew asked.

I let out a sigh and to this day I don't know why. Relief? Anger? Disappointment? Laziness? All four? To hell if I know. "I have amnesia. I woke up in the hospital, and couldn't remember a thing. The doctors told me I was in a drunken car crash."

"Are you okay?!" Canada asked. Wait Canada? Why did I just think that? He does look Canadian, but why the heck would I think of him as Canada? "I knew something must have been wrong when you weren't at the World Summit, actually no one was. But I never thought this would happen. Do you-"

"Wait! Slow down my quiet friend! What do you mean 'World Summit'?" I asked, "You gotta remember that I don't know you, or anything you're talking about!"

The Canadian blushed, "Sorry, I forgot! ...It's a long story, do you mind?"

"No one else is here, trust me, I got time." I told him. "How about we sit down?" Matthew nodded. He walked over to a booth near the counter and sat down in one of the seats. I followed and sat down in the seat across from him. "So just who are you, and how do you know me? And just what is that 'World Summit' you were talking about?"

"My name is Matthew, Matthew Williams. But I go by another name. You see, me- and you are the personifications of nations. I'm Canada and you're Prussia."

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