Chapter 14 Results

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Sorry this chapter's late! I meant to have it up on Friday, but stuff got in the way. Hope you all enjoy.

Disclaimer: I do not own Hetalia

He told her. Steve told his girlfriend the one thing he had been divorced over. He told her about his amnesia. Steve couldn't remember anything before nine months ago. He told her all that he knew about himself.

"The first thing I remember," he explained, "is being in town square. I had some cuts and bruises but nothing worth going to the hospital over. I was sitting on a park bench. I had no idea who I was or how the heck I'd gotten there. I didn't even know how I got hurt. I was wandering around until I found my ex-wife. At that time, she was still my wife, you see. Anyways, she recognized me and told me that my name is Steve Copperpot. After that, things took a turn for the worse.

"Over the next few days, she kept noticing... differences. According to her, I was acting differently, that I wasn't being myself. Every time I ate a hamburger, she'd say that I didn't like them and told me to stop it. She also didn't like it when I helped people. She said it wasn't like me. It was the same with how I dressed. She said that I normally wore more proper things. Guess she doesn't like bomber jackets. There was a lot more. In short, she said that my personality had completely changed. We got a divorce and the last thing she said to me was, "You are not my husband." She was probably talking about the divorce, but I got a sense it wasn't that.

"So yeah. I have amnesia. It's really been bugging me lately." Steve finished telling her everything. He looked at her expectantly for some sort of reaction.

"That's horrible!" She replied. "You must have been really sad when you heard your wife say such mean things! You couldn't help it! Just what kind of a wife would dump her husband in his time of need?! So you still don't remember anything before that?" She asked. Steve nodded. "Well if that's the case, I'll help you get your memories back!" As she declared this, she made the sign for peace with her hands.

Steve smiled at her. "Thanks Jackie."

"So do you have any leads?"Jackie asked him.

"Other than the fact that my name's Steve Copperpot? Nothing." Steve told her honestly. "I googled my name, but none of the stuff that came up rang any bells."

"Oh dang it." Jackie said, looking down at her feet. "Are you sure? There wasn't anything that seemed slightly familiar?"

"Nada." Steve answered. "If that was the case, do you think I'd still have amnesia? I may not work hard when it comes to my job, but I'm serious about this. I've tried just about anything you can think of. I even did research to try an see how I got my injuries. Still nothing. This ain't no walk in the park."

Jackie puffed out her cheeks when she replied. "No need to be so mean. I'm just trying to help."

"Sorry. This is a dull subject, and it gets me angry." Steve explained.

"Will ice cream make you feel better?" She asked.

Steve's face lit up the second she said that. "Yes!!! Ice cream!!!" Ice cream was like the magic word that would make Steve feel happy no matter what the situation was. Well, that, and hamburgers. You could never leave those out. And chocolate, and soda, and spam, and just about any kind of junk food.

Jackie went to the kitchen to get some out of the freezer. There was always at least one pint of ice cream in the freezer, which was always next to that at least one frozen pizza in the freezer. Jackie grabbed two Ben and Jerry's Everything But The... and some spoons to eat them with.

"Hey Steve!" She called from the kitchen. "Can you turn on the news? I think they're announcing the winning lottery ticket for the multi millions." Jackie came back into the living room.

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