Chapter 12 Breakthroughs

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I hope you guys enjoy this chapter.

Disclaimer: I do not own Hetalia

Ludwig flipped through the pages of his diary. He'd been writing in it every daysince he lost his memory. It was to keep things organized.

However, he was not looking through it to be sentimental. He was looking for something in particular. Ludwig was trying to confirm a suspicion that's been at the back of his mind since the last time he saw Feliciano. If he remembered correctly, he wrote something that could prove his hypothesis in it. But he couldn't remember the date. It wasn't like him to forget a date, especially one of such importance. So he scanned each page for the entry. He had to know, had he met Feliciano before he forgot everything?

Aha! He found the entry! It had been written on January 7th. It was the day he had blacked out! It happened the first time he went to an Italian restaurant. The waiter had asked him what kind of pasta he wanted, and he blacked out. While he had been unconscious, Ludwig had dreamed of a memory. Or at least he thought it was a memory. He couldn't be positive yet. When he woke up, he had logged the details of it in his diary. Afterwards, he forgot it. The dream had been elusive, and he'd only remembered it long enough to write it down, and then it snuck out of his head.

Ludwig wasn't sure, but he thought it might have something to do with the Italian. It would explain why he'd blacked out at the mention of pasta.

Ludwig began to read the entry. He skipped the parts that described his day previous to blacking out. He went strait to the description of his dream. It wasn't very detailed so it was more like a summary. It was better than nothing, which was enough for the German.

Basically, in the dream, he had been wandering around in a forest. Ludwig had been looking for a descendant of The Great Roman Empire. When he read that part, Ludwig raised his eyebrows. Why had he used personification on the Roman Empire in the entry. He continued reading. Ludwig found a box of tomatoes in the middle of the forest. When he had walked up to it and poked it with a stick, something inside the box shrieked. It claimed to be a "Talking box of tomatoes fairies." There was clearly someone in the box trying to pull a wool over his eyes. Despite the supposed "talking box of tomatoes fairies"'s protests, the German pried open the box. Out had popped a country.

Ludwig stopped reading again. What had he meant by a country being in the box? Earlier, he had referenced living countries as well. What was with that? Logically, referring to countries in that context wasn't right. But Ludwig also thought that the thought of people being countries made sense.

The country in the box ha been Italy, the very descendant of the Roman Empire the German had been looking for. Apparently, Ludwig had thought that Italy was too wimpy to be real. He had thought that Italy had set a trap to lure him out. Ludwig chuckled at the prospect. There was no way Italy of all countries would set a trap, or be sneaky in any way. It was a gut feeling Ludwig had about that. The entry ended with Ludwig taking Italy as a prisoner.

He reread the entry 3 times before it sunk in. He had been- still was one of those countries. It had said so right there in black and white. He was Germany.

The second he thought that, everything came together in his mind. Yes, he was a country, one if the Axis powers to be exact. He had worked with Italy and Japan to take over the world at one point. He'd signed a treaty with Japan around a kotatsu table. World War 2 had been the glory days. Until they had been defeated. Everyday for who-knows-how-long, he had been tormented by Italy. Italy had been completely useless, but he couldn't just tell him to leave. They were... friends. Ludwig- nein, Germany had used to do war training with Italy and Japan. Italy would always mess up, and would only be fast when he was retreating from Britain. He had an older brother named Prussia. And Germany had always been the one to bring order during world meetings. There had been so many great times. He remembered it all clearly. Except one part.

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