Espero lo mejor

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Dear future me,

I hope you are doing well in the other corner of the world.
Wait did you even make it there?
I hope you did.
Having a busy schedule, but jamming hard in the car on the way to work. Work?
I hope it doesn't even feel like work. You're doing what you love doing, aren't you?
By now, I am sure you must have ticked more than half of the checklist you made back in school.

All I have with me right now is hope.
Hope of a great future, hope of a sucessful life.
Hope of far much better days than the ones thats passing by.
I have myriads of questions to ask you.
Is your passport tattooed?
Please say yes.
Did you find love?
Did you find the support you always longed for?
Did you overcome the stagefright?
Did you ever make out of this anxiety I have right now?
Please tell me you did.
Please tell me these annoying things that keep on doing the Harlem Shake on my mind left without a word.

I dont want you to be like what I am right now, but I want you to be a greater person stepping on these faliures I've faced.

I hope you came out of the invisibility cloak I've been hiding behind for years.
Accepting yourself as an amazing person, the one that can make a difference, the one that dares to stand tall even if alone.

I hope you remembered to turn on the lights in the darkest times.

I hope you have a happy face, happy heart and all these frown lines have disappeared with time.

I hope faith replaced the god forsaken emptiness.

I hope you can now sing on top of your voice in the kitchen not caring what if someone listens.

I hope you are again the captain of your beloved Black Pearl.

And when these dementors come down swifting from above, I hope you've mastered to swish your wand and yell out "Expecto Patronum".

I want you to be an inspiration for folks around you. You tell them how you tamed the feelings with just one " break; " to exit the infinite loop of feeling worthless.

How the judgemental faces around no longer linger in your mind. How believing in yourself paid off and now you can do everything you want to, anywhere you want to go.

I hope the urge to be "seen" is gone and you no longer wander around the what ifs.

I hope you've learnt to take the opportunities with wide arms and you've learnt to embrace your flaws.

The most important thing, I hope now you take pride in being yourself, being the different one and you live your life to the fullest.

I hope that you too never stop hoping as I remember my all time favorite movie quote

" Hope is a good thing, probably best of the things. And no good thing ever dies." .

Your teen self.

I wrote this when my English teacher asked me to write something for the college magazine, almost 3 years ago (2016) when I was 18 and a freshman . 🙃 

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