Chapter 2 (Damian's POV)

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Damn Lydia is hot yet so damn frustrating at the same freaking time. When Tanner asked me to come on this trip with them three weeks ago I was like “hell ya!” I get to spend a week with Smokin’ Lydia and she is bringing a friend, a guys biggest dreams. But I didn’t sign up for this shit, Lydia won’t even give me the time of day and this trip sucks. One upside though is that Lydia’s friend, Lela, is pretty hot. She keeps giving me these looks like “I want you”. Not guna happen though, I am going to get Lyd to talk to me and she will end up kissing me and more if ya know what I mean. Sitting so close to her is killing me. I get why she is so upset with me but come on, I am a guy! It was bound to happen sooner or later. Besides, it happened almost two years ago, Stop being so freaking stubborn and get over it already.

*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *

Lyd Just stood there, glaring at me and damn she was hot when she was pissed off. I just smiled at her, which seemed to make her even madder. Instead of doing anything about it, she went and woke up Lela, then went into the bathroom and did her hair like such a girl. A few years ago, when we were really close she didn’t give a shit what she looked like, especially on a road trip. For the rest of the morning I followed her around, never shutting up. I told her everything, about school; the classes I had, what teachers I liked and didn’t like. I told her about my friends and what shit they cause. I even told her about my ex-girlfriends, I had hoped to get some type of reaction out of her, but I didn’t. It almost felt like old times, except for the fact that you know, she wasn’t talking back to me.

When we finally got back into Mason’s crap truck and back on the road it was nine o’clock. As soon as we got going Lydia’s ear phones went in and she got her book out. I pulled out one of her headphones, “so, whatcha reading?” I asked. She didn’t reply. “ Is it a good book?”, “I heard you have been become a huge book nerd since we stopped talking.” I just kept asking questions for like 2 hours straight, I was amazed I didn’t run out of stuff to say to her. You could tell she and everyone else was sick of listening to me blabber on about pointless shit.

“hey, can we pull over and play in the snow?” Lyd asked Mason and Tanner. He pulled over and we all pilled out.

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