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I finished watching Naruto recently and I'm forever recommending Naruto to everyone. Naruto and Naruto Shippuden both. It's so fucking emotional and filled with so much that you can't help it. It's awesome and really good. (Of course ignoring a useless character and a little bit annoying shit that happens in every shounen anime)

 (Of course ignoring a useless character and a little bit annoying shit that happens in every shounen anime)

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(The kanji in the upper picture says 'Ai' as in 'Love')

Especially the kid Naruto is the sweetest child you'll ever see. It makes you cry. It makes you smile like anime characters. Anime character grew up and so did you along with it in the span of 2007 to 2017. Ten years. It's just way too good to ignore. Especially the filler episode where they show a few clips of how Naruto spent his childhood.

You can never get over this love

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You can never get over this love. Oh god. T_T. I wanna live in Naruto-verse. Lol. Bitch went through so much and still so.... Each and every character's backstories is painful to watch. The good kinda painful that helps you grow out of your own pain.

Especially the ships

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Especially the ships.. mmmm. Sailing strong and reached Boruto. Lmao. I messed up Hinata's eyes a little though.

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