24- baggage

260 9 0

Song: my heart will go on piano cover
"If you are a Titanic survivor left with nothing, come over here and we will assist you."

"I guess that's our cue. Let's go." Zayn, Harry, and Niall make their way toward the woman.

"We're offering free hotel stays for a week. How many rooms?"

"One for us, one bed please." Zayn told the woman.

A voice behind Niall spoke. "And one for me and this man."

Niall turned around. It was Helga. "Helga!" He embraced her in a hug.

"Yes Niall. I'm here. Alone. I survived, although I suffered a few injuries from a fall. I survived. A miracle really, when I fell, I landed right into a lifeboat."

"I'm just so happy to see you! God bless you and your family."

"Oh Niall. They didn't survive. It's just me." She said, sadly, and Niall hugged her again.

The rest of the day consisted of Offers and sympathy and free things for Titanic Survivors.

Harry and Zayn checked into their new home for the week. In Zayn's arms, asleep, Harry began to dream once more. He dreams about being old, and giving the necklace to Zayn, who was at the bottom of the Atlantic. He dreamt about himself as a young actress in California, radiant... a theatrically lit studio publicity shot... Him and his husband, with their two children... Him with his son at his college graduation... Harry with his children and grandchildren at his 70th birthday. A collage of images of
a life lived well. Harry, circa 1920, at the beach, sitting on a horse at the surfline.
The Santa Monica pier, with its rollercoaster is behind him. He is grinning, full of life.

Then he dreams about the wreck of Titanic, looming like a ghost out of the
dark. It is lit by a kind of moonlight, a light of the mind. He passes over the endless forecastle deck to the superstructure, moving faster than subs can move... almost like he is flying.
He goes inside, and the echoing sound of distant waltz music is heard. The rust fades away from the walls of the dark
corridor and it is transformed. He emerges onto the grand staircase, lit by glowing chandelier. The music is vibrant now, and the room is populated by men in tie and tails, women in gowns. It is exquisitely beautiful. He sweeps down the staircase. The crowd of beautiful
gentlmen and ladies turn as he descends toward them. At the bottom a man stands with his back to him... he turns and it is Zayn. Smiling, he holds his hand out toward him. Harry goes into his arms, a boy of 17. The passengers, officers and crew of the RMS Titanic smile and applaud in the utter silence of the abyss.

Harry wakes up. He is still in Zayn's arms. Relieved, he eventually falls back asleep.

A frantic Anne Styles and Mohamed Hadid sat together at a coffee shop.

"What am I supposed to do? What are you going to do?" Anne cried.

"Alright, Anne, Calm down. Listen. I have a friend who might interest you. His name is Robin Twist. But he comes with two children. Mike, who is 8, and Gemma, who is 13. They lost their mother back some years ago. He is very wealthy, like me. We've been friends since birth."

"Oh... But my husband... And Harry... alright. Let me meet him."

"Perfect. We'll meet here tonight." More said, as a woman at a table nearby smiled at him. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to talk to this woman over here."

Anne sat patiently, waiting. She wasn't sure how she felt about him forgetting all about Harry like that.

"Let's make it a double date. Tonight, I'm bringing Yolanda Van den Herik." He said as the woman smiled.

Anne couldn't help but mourn her son. Was he really dead? If so, It was all that Zayn boy's fault. Anne felt all the guilt rush upon her. She could've just remarried. Although she loved the husband dearly, she shouldn't have forced her child to marry a man, especially not one of similar age to herself. "Alright. Very well then."

Zayn slept well. He woke up before Harry, and left to pick up some new art supplies with the money he was provided because of the sinking.

When he returned, Harry was still asleep, so he sketched him. Zayn realized that he could so this to make more money. So he sketched and sketched his beautiful love. He finished, and Harry woke up. Smiling, Zayn shows him the drawing.

"Wow. Zayn, that's amazing!"

"I know. This is usually how I get by. We have this and that diamond we should sell. I mean, if you want to."

Harry Nods. "Let's do it."

The two of them got dressed and ready with the clothes they were provided and went out.

Harry looked around at all the lights and the buildings around them. He held Zayn's hand, not wanting to lose him, his other hand holding the $20 million diamond necklace.

Eventually they found a man named Nicholas Grimshaw. It was rather fast that they found him. They found him at the pawn shop.

"Hello, are you looking to buy or sell something?" the man smiled at them.

"Sell" Zayn and Harry said at the same time.

"Alright. Let's see what I can do for you."

"This is called The Heart of The Ocean, and it's worth $20 million. My Ex fiancé bought it for me and and we were on the Titanic when it sunk and– well, I need the money and I don't want it anymore."

"Oh, I'm so sorry!  I read about it all over the news. Okay. Well I'll buy this from you."

"Oh thank you so much!" He gave them the money and wished them the best. They were now kinda rich, with 20 million.

"This is amazing Harry! We can buy ourselves a place to live!" Zayn excitedly hugged Harry.

Right there, he cupped Harry's face and kissed him for the first time since the sinking. "I love you too, Harry."


"You said you loved me when you thought you were going to die."

"Oh, that's right! I did! And I meant it, Zayn." Harry smiled.

"So did I" Zayn kissed him again.

Anne waited at the coffee shop for Moe, his date, and her date. As she waited, she spotted someone who she thought resembled Harry.

"Har-" she began to yell, but gave up. "I'm probably just seeing things. God, what has happened to me?" She said to herself.

A few moments later, Mohamed and the others arrived.

"As promised, Anne, this is Robin, Gemma, and Michael. And my date, Yolanda, with her children Marielle, Allison, Alana, Jordan, Erin, and Amy. Of course, we plan to get married and have at least three more." Moe said, smiling.

Anne's eyes widened. They both had baggage. "Nice to meet you," she smiled. "I'm Anne. I have–" she paused "–had a son named Harry."

Mohamed gave her a look, telling her to not get too crazy over Harry. She took the hint.

I might add some drama soon ;) maybe.

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