The third instalment

835 7 182

For some reason, all of my rp books keep deleting so let me try again

Smut is allowed

Don't be mean to each other

Have fun

No OC's (sorry, I struggle to keep up and I can't make exceptions for some people as it's not fair)

List of fandoms/ ships allowed

Sanders Sides/ Thomas Sanders

Be More Chill (most ships, I'm not a fan of Expensive Headphones though)

Dear Evan Hansen (pretty much anyone x Evan, not any romantic Zoe x Connor though, that's weird) (especially treebros, there will be a lot of treebros-specific prompts)

Heathers (any ship, especially Kurt x Ram)

Harry Potter (mainly drarry, others are allowed as long as they're not really weird)

Gravity Falls (only late teen/adult aus if you're shipping anyone who's actually a child in the show and no twincest jfc)

I may add more

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