eliott 1 | vendredi 22:46

367 9 0

(original scene: season 4, episode 5; vendredi 22:46)

This morning, I told Lucas that I wasn't sure if I'd make it to Daphné's party or not. It was right after I woke up from just staying in bed for a day or two. Of course, he understood, although I really made him not get his hopes up, as I had to get used to being in such a crowded room again.

But here I am, that was about 12 hours ago now. I couldn't stop myself from coming, even the fear of a packed party didn't stop me. But really, I don't think Lucas could go a day without reassuring me that he was here for me. It's like his oxygen or something.

Therefore, if Lucas is making such an effort, it's only fair if I do too. Even if it means I need to go out my comfort zone. I mean, he does too. At first you would've thought boys x Lucas would definitely be some sort of joke story you'd find on Wattpad. But here we are. And well, here I am, at a party I was hesitant to go to.

I'm approaching the entrance of the venue, the glass doors letting me have a look at the party I'm about to embark in. I spot Basile, Arthur and Yann. Though, I'm not quite sure where Lucas is.

I don't think about it much as I've become pretty close to the rest of the gang, so close that they get excited as I slowly open the door to enter.

They cheer and Arthur embraces me as I join the group, and at that moment I see Lucas approaching me. And naturally, I'm the one to overreact rather than Lucas this time. We, without any communication, embrace and kiss one another as a way to say we miss each other. A way to show we need the minutes back.

"You good?"
"Yeah, and you?"

We make a casual small talk to catch up in the quickest way possible. It was just reassuring to have him back by my side, knowing he's been okay, even if I'm the one who is the worst out of the two of us. But he wouldn't let me ever say that out loud.

Lucas turned back to where he'd once been sitting, and turns back to look at me. I give him a confused look before he says, "But wait, where is he?"

I'm still confused about what Lucas is on about, "Uh, who?" I ask.

"Idriss. I'd told him that I'd introduce you to him."

Idriss. Idriss? Idriss, Idriss? Idriss? Idriss?

My mind is replaying the name over and over.

Surely not. Idriss wouldn't be here, he doesn't go to our school. Maybe I was over thinking it, though why did this "Idriss" go away?

I forgot that I needed to respond, "Uh, maybe he doesn't want to see me."

Lucas doesn't really pay attention to my answer as his eyes still continue to scan the room to look for him. I think of another thing to say, "Wanna serve me a drink?"

Lucas looks up to me, our arms are still around each other's shoulders as I can notice his mind is running to make a decision. Although, Lucas finally nods and lands me another kiss before we head off to the bar.

But how many other Idrisses would there be? Probably only others in a parallel universe.


a/n: i am so sorry!! sorry to the 16 people who had read this when it only had 100 words to it...

wattpad decided to delete half of my part and i had no idea until i went to write another one and i was checking what i had last wrote... nearly a month later oops.

sorry but we're up now! i'm going on holiday soon so i'll have more time to write.

sorry again, thank you! <3

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