I got tagged!

77 3 17

*blasts Disney song*


I got tagged!

I was tagged by Goldwither so thank to to Goldie! (And I would share meh chocolate with u 2)

Like I said before, this is my first time being tagged so idk how this really works. O^O

1. Gender: Female

2. Sexuality: Lesbian

3. Last song: Well, if you count me and my friend singing Wolf in Sheep's Clothing in the middle of D&D club for no reason, then Wolf in Sheep's Clothing.

4. Favorite color: My favorite color changes with my fandom, but currently I have two favorite colors: Green and Pink. When I say pink, I mean PASTEL pink! Not hot pink, not neon pink (I can't stand neon). Just simple, beautiful, pastel pink.

5. Favorite drink: I can't decide between hot chocolate or Cola. But the funny thing is, my parents only allow me to have Cola on special occasions. I respect that, but sometimes, I just absolutely need Cola. So I have to sneak out into the garage and steal Cola from the mini fridge sitting on the shelf that just so happens to be a couple inches out of my reach!! But there's no holding me back from meh Cola. I've almost knocked down the mini fridge twice.

6. Do you speak any languages?: I can speak 3 not including English. I can write Norwegian, but I can't speak it. I can count to ten and introduce myself in Spanish. And I'm learning Filipino from my mum. The only two languages I'm fluent in are: English and Ingooblyblench.

7. Typical outfit: Most of the time I just wear hoodies, but since summer's rolling around and where I live it gets really hot, so I've started wearing just T-shirts and jeans. And I love to wear pastel colors. OwO

8. Coffee order: "Grande decaff caramel frappuccino!" (I basically get drunk after a caffeine rush so I have to get decaff)

9. Am I happy: Most of the time, yes I am. Sometimes, life sucks, but you're just gonna have to get through it. Like I yell at the kid in my math class today, "Life is confusing, deal with it."

10. Tag time! (I know you're supposed to do 10 or somethin', but I'm lonely on Wattpad so I'm only gonna do a few)





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