Breakfast in Bed (Mother's Day 2019)

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May 7th 1994

     "Mommy." PJ complains, tapping on the bathroom door. "Mommy, I'm hungry."
     "Go get an applesauce, baby." Carla breathes, her chin almost resting on the toilet seat.
     PJ's little footsteps get distant. Carla looks around the spinning bathroom. Another tap at the bathroom door grounds her. "Mommy, you are in the bathroom for so long. Are you okay?" Nadia asks.
     "Yes, sweetie. You go back to making Grandma's card. Mommy's fine." She lies, leaning away from the toilet. She touches the inside of her thigh, holding her hand up to the light. The blood shines, coating her fingers and palm. "Nadi, call your daddy at work. Tell him that Mommy said 'bathtub.'"
     "Nadia, please, do this for Mommy. Bathtub, that exact word."

     "Did you take Baby Steele's vitals when you last checked on him?" Alan asks the nurse. She hands him a folder. "Thank you very much. I'll see you after lunch."
     He picks up his ringing phone as she leaves. "Alan Harper." He answers.
     "Daddy, something's wrong with Mommy."
     "Nadi, baby, what's wrong with Mommy?"
     "She said 'bathtub.' Daddy, is Mommy hurt?"
     "I'm coming home right now, Nadia. Get you and your brother's shoes on, you're gonna go to Dani's, across the street. Unlock the front door for me. Tell your mom that I'm coming as fast as I can." Alan hangs up and starts to gather his things, running out of his office with his arms full.
     "Dr. Harper, where are you going?" A nurse asks, stopping him.
     "But you have appointments."
     "My wife is having a miscarriage, I'll reschedule them."

A Little Later

     Alan pounds on the bathroom door. "Car, it's me, I'm coming in?" He throws the door open and runs to the side of the tub, holding her hands. "Honey, what happened?"
     "Where are Nadi and PJ?" She asks weakly, turning her head into his lips.
     He kisses her sweaty forehead. "They're with Dani across the street. Honey, what happened?"
     "I woke up, I got sick and went in the bathroom. The cramping got so bad I couldn't stand. I collapsed. Then I felt the blood. I told Nadi to call you, then I got into the tub. The pain got so much worse. I think it's out but I can't do it myself."
     Alan cradles her head, kissing her forehead again. "I'll check for you. Do you want me to?" She just nods. Alan lifts the towel on her legs. "It's out." He says, letting it fall back.
     Carla sobs, wrapping her arms around Alan's neck. "It was gonna be different. I made it past twelve weeks. They were supposed to make it."
     "Shh, honey, shh. An ambulance was a few minutes behind me, they don't have the lights on. We'll get you to the hospital and make sure everything is out."
     "I don't want it out, I want our baby."
     "So do I."

Late That Night

     Alan pulls the blankets up to Carla's chest. "I'm gonna go call your parents and tell them we aren't going tomorrow. Then I'll check on Nadi and PJ and come back."
     "Okay, don't take too long, I need you."
     "I'll be right back." He promises, kissing her head and going into the kitchen. He grabs the phone and dials. "Hi, it's Alan."
     "Alan? Why you calling so late?" Carla's mother asks.
     "I had to let you know ahead of time that we aren't gonna be able to make it to dinner tomorrow. I'm sorry."
     "What? Why? Alan, why am I not getting to see my baby girl and grandkids on mother's day?" She demands.
     "Something happened."
      The line goes silent for a second. "A miscarriage?" Alan doesn't respond. "I see. How far along was she?"
     "Sixteen weeks."
     "Oh, Allie, my poor baby must be devastated. Can she talk to me?"
     "She's not up for anything like that. I asked but she's just laying in bed. I'll see if she's up for a call tomorrow. Nadi and PJ are already in bed but I'll make sure they talk to you in the morning. They made you a precious little card, I'm gonna mail it on Monday."
     "Alright. You go take care of our CarCar. Give those grandbabies a kiss from me and Grandpa."
     "Of course." He hangs up, his hand lingering on the phone. He takes a second to catch his breath then heads into PJ's room. "Goodnight, sweet boy." He kisses his head, tucking the blankets in and picking his stuffed animal off the ground, putting it under his arm.
     He goes into Nadia's room, sitting on her bed. "Goodnight, my little princess."
     "Goodnight, Daddy." She breathes, mostly asleep.
     He heads back to his room, getting into bed next to his wife. He wraps her arms around her, holding her against him. "Are you okay?"
     "I'm so tired. I can't believe I really had hope. That was my first mistake. This is all my fault."
     "It's definitely not your fault. It's mine if anyone's. I'm the OB. I should've stopped trying a long time ago, after PJ was born. I'm gonna get a vasectomy. We shouldn't put you through this again."
     She nods and rests her head against his chest. "I love you, Allie."

The Next Morning

     PJ throws himself onto his parents bed, giggling in his mother's face. Carla shoots up, holding her stomach. Nadia jumps on the bed. "Happy Mother's day!" The two exclaim.
     She hugs them both, falling onto bed with them. "My little angels."
     Alan carries the tray in, laying it down on the empty spot next to her. It was where she'd normally be sleeping, but she'd made on top of Alan her spot for the night. "You made me breakfast in bed?"
     "Only the best for my queen. PJ helped make the pancakes, they're strawberry and cream cheese, Nadia helped make the eggs, scrambled, and I did the other little things. Because, my love, you are the most amazing mother I have ever met and these two beautiful children we have are proof of that. You are kind, loving, accepting, inquisitive, and so sexy. I couldn't imagine going through life with anyone else."
     "You spoil me."
     "You deserve endless pampering. This is just what I was able to do in one morning."
     "I don't deserve this."
     "You're right. You deserve so much more than I can ever give you and a lot less pain than life gave you. But you deserve nothing less. Thank you for being an amazing mother to our children, I couldn't do it without you."

Happy Mother's Day!
Sorry for the depressing special, but hey, at least it's not late... Nevermind.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2019 ⏰

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