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(A Weak Later)

Today's the day that I get my letter. If it ever comes.

"Hey. Iwa you look nervous.", My sister says as she finishes breakfast.

"Do I? Well I'm not!," I yell trying to hide my true emotions. "I gave it my all and I know I will get in!

Ding Dong

I froze with fear. "That must be the letters," Nishiburu says as she walks to the door. " I thought you weren't nervous. You look like a tomato how red your face is.", she says in a joking tone as she walks to open the door.

"Thank you, sir" I hear as the door closes.
My hands began to sting as I noticed I've been squeezing the hell out of the counter. "They're here. Let's see how we did.", Nishi says. In a blur, I grabbed the letter with my name on it and ran to my room. "I can't wait to see my results."

I screamed, which must have frightened Nishi because she came bursting into my room with her quirk activated.

" Iwa! what's wrong?! Who am I gonna have to shock to death?!"

"ME!!", I say as I smiled a giant smile with  tears running down my face. " I GOT IN! They loved my fighting skills, how I saved people as I went along, and how I survived the scary alley fill with robots!" I jumped from my floor to my bed doing an All Might pose. "I am Awesome!!"

"Really?," Nishiburu says with an annoyed look on her face. "We already knew you were gonna get in even though you can be a dumbass sometimes and overthink everything, rushing into battles without thinking, or..."

"Get to the point.", I say as my voice squeaks again.

"You still have a heart and that's your biggest strength. Now let's go train. You can't stay in UA without skills.",she says as she smiles evilly.

(At the in-home training center)

"You ready weakling?", Nishi says as she charges her power.

Without an answer, I jump at her, activating my quirk of cosmic. I shot one of my cosmic beams at her as she was not new to my moves and dodged it, grabbing my arm and sending a strong jolt of electricity through my body.

"Oww!," I say as I hit the ground twitching

"You're supposed to be used to the shock by now," Nishi says walking to my lifeless body.  "I guess you'll never learn," she says standing over my body, ready to shoot the finishing blow.

"I won't go down that easy!", I yell as I teleport behind her at the same time shooting a powerful cosmic blast.

"New combos. Nice job Iwagawa, but it's time to end this.", she says after shooting another huge concentrated bolt of lightning at me. I barely dodge it and went in for hand and hand contact, but it was useless. She's used to my attacks. I didn't have any more moves to change up my fighting style. I throw a punch and it hits, but she still ends up shocking me.

"How," I say. "How can you use two powers at once? "

"Practice Iwa. Without it, you'll never be the hero you really want to be.", she says as she stands there looking like a pro.

"She's so cool," I thought, but I must beat her. How did she counter my punch with a surge of electricity? She must have surrounded her body in electricity so when I punched her it did damage to me as well.

While I was lost in my thoughts, I didn't notice Nishi spring behind me, grabbing me and pinning me to the ground. With a big thud, I was down.

"You were distracted again. You overthink everything. Sometimes you need to learn to go with what works. ", she says as she forcefully keeps me to the ground.

"She was right.", I thought to myself. I need to get stronger. "Lets go again!!" 

"No I'm tired"

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