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"Wow, this place is amazing" I say as we step off the ship into Stargazers outer space headquarters. "We get distress calls from all over the world, the calls we take are the ones with the most people in trouble, or what we know we can handle." Pulsar says as she walks to the hug window looking over the Earth

"We also handle anything that might cause damage to the world coming from outer space" Stargazer says. " so you guys are like EARTH'S PROTECTORS" I fanboy. "Yeah basically" they both say. It's the first day of our hero training and things are going great. They gave me my own room, and me and Pulsar has become very good friends.

The second day was a little more hectic.

"Alright kid, time to wake up, i've done studies on your powers and turns out your connected to space." I wake up confused about what's going on. Not out of the bed yet I look outside, to find my room floating in space. I freak out causing me to fall out of my bed, "W-what is going on" "Your fine, Pulsar is circling your pod to make sure nothing bad happens, and also kid, put some pants on"

I look down noticing i'm only wearing underwear and quickly wrap myself in blankets as i blush. After putting on my costume i try to figure out ways to get out of here. As i began to think, Stargazers voice comes across the speaker.

"Tesuma focus, there's a deeper powr hidden inside you i've seen it, instead of using different parts of your power at different levels, use all of it throughout your body at the same percent." I stare at my hands as i figure out something to do, "I need to focus"

I walk up to the window as I let my quirk flow equally throughout my body, causing me to glow with cosmic energy.

I put my hand on the glass causing it to melt, turning it into sand. Im taken in shock, "What else can i do" I say as i slowly walk through the now gone window. I began to float due to zero gravity, "how am i supposed to move" I say as i see Pulsar fly by me. "Your powers of course" She says sarcastically. "R-right" I use the gamma ray blast to propel myself forward. "I'M DOING IT IM-" an asteroid came out of nowhere and hit me before I could finish celebrating.

"Ouch" I say as i stand up on the rock, now floating away. Pulsar flys by laughing, "You good" "Fine" I say as i dust myself off recharging my quirk. I take off again, now watching my surrounding as i head back to the ship, once again stopped by a beam of light that passes my face.

"Hey" I yell as i see Stargazer in a spacesuit flying towards me. "Combat training" He says as he forms two swords made out of light. He charges at me without holding back, i quickly try to block his attacks with two force fields. "There's no way for me to use my full power out here" i say as i dodge light beams while trying to focus on flying.

"Yes there is" He says as pulsar blast me in the back with a beam of energy. "From our research, your powers allow you to harness the elements of outer space, your hands are like portals you use them to fire gamma beams or solar flares through your hands or other portals while on earth, now that you're in outer space, you don't really need them, your powers are stronger out here" she states as she phses through me, throwing me into another asteroid. "Right" Stargazer says as him and pulsar fly towards me, ready to finish me. "Harness space, you can control solarwinds, solar flares, dark matter, ect LET ME SEE IT!" He yells as they both fly toward me.

"I can do this" I say not so confident. I touch the asteroid, 'hey, I feel stuff moving inside here, maybe I can do this!' It begins to shake as black matter started oozing out of it, "This must be dark matter" I say as it begins to circle me, I turn the matter into tiny daggers firing them at the two heros.

Stargazer was slowed down as he fights off the daggers, but pulsar phases through them. "Shit forgot about her power" I began to fly away from her, thinking about things i can do. She's fast behind me when i come up with an idea, I began to form a portal as i disappear from her sight, as she's distracted i open a huge portal flying out of it with a huge command of asteroids, she was taken back as she begins to activate her phase quirk, but i quickly stop her with a solar flare blinding her as she is hit by a few asteroids.

I use my dark matter as a whip as i try to keep her from getting too close to me. "Good job kid, but not good enough" I hear as a beam of light wrapped around me and threw me into an asteroid. Pulsar surrendered, another way of saying i got her. "You learn quick" Stargazer says as he sends a blinding wave of light at me, which my helmant cant adjust to.

I was kicked and fell to the ground,still blinded by the bright light shining through space."I need to counter this" I say as my eyes began to water,"I can do it." I grab onto the asteroid, allowing more black matter to spew from the rock, I spread it out, as it begins to absorb the light around me, allowing me to see. "Wow, that's so amazing kid" Stargazer says as he charges at me, I look down at my hands and see the tiny portals that cover my hands. I have a flashback of pulsar telling me i can call upon any element on space. I plant myself into the ground as solar winds began to swirl around me, i look up and send a huge gust of wind towards Stargazer, causing him to fly back, after putting him off his balance i call upon an asteroid allowing it to hit him, manipulating the rocks to trap him.

"Alright kid" he says as me and pulsar fly towards him. "I underestimated you, what a power" he breaks out of the asteroid and walks up to me, "Now let's go eat" He flys away, "You were great" pulsar says as she gives me a hug and take off towards the ship, i fly behind her as i wonder how Nishi is doing.

🌌✨Iwagawa Tesuma✨🌌 (bnha oc insert) Where stories live. Discover now