Chapter 24

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   At school, Emi was just sitting there, doing absolutely nothing at all

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At school, Emi was just sitting there, doing absolutely nothing at all. Not even drawing in her sketchbook or listening to music. Not even wanting to talk to anyone.

The thoughts of Tohru not being her real sisters kept haunting her mind, but she had to keep reminding herself that she is her sister no matter what. But the depressing thoughts kept overcome her positive ones.

It has been a week since then. Emi has been trying to keep positive about it, but it's like the depression was finally catching up to her. The dark clouds have finally consumed her heart and mind.

A tear fell from her eyes and onto her desk. "Emi, what's wrong?" Looking up, she saw Hatsuharu and Momiji there.

Emi quickly wiped her eye while trying to think of an excuse. "I'm fine. I just yawned."

Hatsuharu studied her face. "I can see why you yawned. It's like you haven't slept in a week."

That fact was true. Emi has been having trouble sleeping ever since she found out Kyoko isn't her real mother, thus, Tohru not being her real sister. But she had to keep thinking they are. They are my real family.

Momiji grabbed both of her cheeks, looking into her eyes. "Oh mein Gott!" Translated as oh my god! "Your eyes look worn out!"

"What's going on?" That was Sumire's voice.

Turning towards her, Emi didn't want her friend to worry. "Everything's fine. These two are worrying about me over nothing."

"But why do your eyes look like that?" Momiji asked.

Sumire walked over to her, getting a closer look. "You're right. You look very tired. Have you been having trouble sleeping?"

Emi let out a sigh, trying to think of another excuse. "Just last night. I was up all night... Drawing in my sketchbook. I couldn't sleep until I got that picture out of my head." She hoped that was convincing enough.

Sumire was thinking to herself. "You do tend to do that sometimes."

"Oh, so that was it?" Momiji now realizing. "You shouldn't stay up all night, Emi. You should get your rest, ok?"

Emi felt like she could fall asleep if she closed her eyes. "I will."

"Oh! I almost forgot!" Momiji perked up. "Haru and I will be coming over to Shigure's house today! Just to visit since it's been so long!"

"I want to see how everyone's doing, especially Yuki." Hatsuharu chimed in.

"That's fine." Emi answered. "Then that just means I can help sis make dinner tonight."

"A dinner cooked by you and Tohru?! Hurra!" Momiji happily exclaimed.

Sumire giggled at the sight. "Since we settled that matter, I'm going to head towards the student council room. I'm sure my secretary underlings will bombard me with questions once I step into the room like usual."

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