Kinley Berkley is a quiet shy omega compared to her twin brother Kayson who is all alpha football star along side his best friend and all alpha as well Bucky Barnes. Their parents are well known in the community because of their dad's contracting co...
On October 5th Kinley was laying in bed as she was having contractions as Bucky took the boys to grandparents house. He came back upstairs "How is she doing Norah." he said
"She's at a 7 and half now." she said as she had her nurse get her hooked up with a blood pressure machine and heart rate monitor. "Okay we got her all hooked up we got oxygen on standby. And we got the baby fetal doppler going." Norah said
Kinley started to do her breathing exercises "Oh god I hate this." she said
Bucky came over and wiped some of her sweaty hair out of her face. "Baby you can do this I promise you can. You are so strong baby you are the best mama and we are having us a omega." he said
"This hurts James I don't like this.." she said as she started to cry.
Bucky kissed her "I love you baby just focus on me baby okay just keep your focus on me." he said as he took her hand.
Three hours later she let out a scream "James...I need to push." she said
"Okay just stay calm while I get Norah." he said
He went out in the hallway and said "Norah she said she feels like she needs to push."
Norah came running in and Bucky got up behind her and she started to push and push. "Come on Kinley baby you can do this." Bucky whispered.
"Come on Kinley give me another push." Norah said
"I'm trying." she said through tears.
"Shhh baby we know you are trying." he said
After 5 more pushes she finally welcomed into the world their daughter "Oaklynn Sophia Grace" at 1245AM on October 6th. They quickly put the oxygen mask on her and then let her hold their daughter.
Bucky looked at his daughter who big dark blue eyes and little tiny blonde wispy curls. ""Oh god help me she's a mini you."
She let out laugh "Little Oaklynn Sophia Grace"
She got her to latch Bucky wiped a few tears then he said "I'm gonna go let the family know that she's here."
"Okay." she said
Bucky went downstairs and said "It's a girl..little Oaklynn Sophia Grace Barnes is here. Big dark blue eyes and blonde curls."
Everyone clapped and smiled.
A few hours later everyone came into the guest bedroom that they use for birthing babies. They all took turns holding Oaklynn who was wrapped in a pink blanket and a pink hat. The next morning their grandparents came in to meet the newest member of the family.
By the time she was two weeks old they had her nursery set up since she was born three weeks early. They also re did the boys' room and Colton's room as well.
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