Kinley Berkley is a quiet shy omega compared to her twin brother Kayson who is all alpha football star along side his best friend and all alpha as well Bucky Barnes. Their parents are well known in the community because of their dad's contracting co...
On December 25th Kinley went into labor at the Christmas dinner. They took her upstairs into the guest bedroom of Bucky's grandparents house. "No please let me go to the hospital." she said
"Honey we do home births." her mom said
"But I.." she said then she looked at Bucky.
"I'm sorry Kinley it's tradition." Bucky said
She looked down and started to cry as she rolled away. For six hours she screamed in pain from all the contractions and she didn't want anyone in the room not even Bucky. She wasn't aware of the no hospital rule. James came up the stairs "Son what are you doing out here shouldn't you be in there comforting her." James said
"She doesn't want me in their right now. She's mad at me so I'm just gonna sit out here and listen as she screams in pain." Bucky said
"James.." James said
Norah James's sister came out. "We are at 9cm dilated and she has asked for you little James." she said
Bucky got up and went into the room. "Hey darlin." he said
"You can stay now that I'm almost done dilating." she said
"Kinley.." he said
Ten minutes later it was time to push out their baby. She was screaming with each push as she felt like her vagina was being ripped apart. "I can't do this anymore it hurts." she yelled.
"Look at me Kinley you can do this. He's almost here." Bucky said
She gave two more pushes then they heard his cry at 1030PM she gave birth to their son Colton James Barnes. Bucky let out a breathe he was dark hair and blue eyes just like him. Kinley got him to latch and he started to suckle.
She played with his hair and tiny fingers. "You are so cute little Colton James." she whispered.
She finally got him to unlatch and gave him to Bucky. Melissa came in and helped her get cleaned up and dressed. Bucky presented him to the family "Everyone this our son born at 1030 Colton James Barnes."
Everyone took their turn holding him after that he went and got the car seat at his parents house and then helped get Kinley and Colton home. She fed him then laid him in the bassinet and laid down in their bed with her back to Bucky.
He looked over at her "Are you okay Kinley?' he said
"No..I'm in pain I just pushed out a 8lb baby with no paid medication." she said
"Kinley..they want things to be natural as possible when it comes to delivering babies I thought you would know that." he said
"Um no I didn't know." she said
He cuddled up behind her. "You did amazing today and you gave me a very cute pup." he said
"Yeah." she said as they drifted off to sleep.
She was the only one getting up with Colton that she eventually moved the bassinet out to the living room of the basement apartment slept on the couch. The next morning Bucky woke up and saw them gone and he went out to the living room.
"Kinley what are you doing out here." he said
"Well I was the only one getting up with him so I thought I would just sleep out here and be alone." she said
"You are his mom and he's dependent on you right now you are the one with the boobs.' he said as he went upstairs.
She gasped then let Colton finish his feeding and then carried him upstairs. "I'm the one with the boobs so that means you don't have to help me at all. He's your son James Buchanan." she said
"I'm well aware but that baby needs his mama right now you are the one with the milk in the boobs so why do I need to help." he said
She looked down when James and Winnie came in. She walked out and went back downstairs and slammed the door behind her. She avoided Bucky the rest of the day that night she slept on the couch again.
They went to her six week post partum check up and the doctor asked her what kind of birth control she wanted. "Oh she doesn't need that. Let's go baby." he said
They left her appointment and she was wiping tears. He looked over at her "Dry the tears.." he said
They got home and she walked in and went straight downstairs after slamming doors. Bucky came downstairs and put Colton in his crib.
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"What the hell is your problem?' he said as he came out.
"I wanted birth control James." she said
"No you don't need it." he said
"But I.." she said but was cut off as he put his finger on her lips.
"No birth control we make pups in this family you know that." he said
"But..I James.." but he cut her off again.
She looked down and walked away with her head hung low. She went upstairs Winnie and James could tell she was upstairs "I'm gonna go for a drive." she said as she found her keys.
"Kinley" Winnie said but she was already out the door.
Bucky came into the kitchen "Where did Kinley go?' he said
"We don't know she just said that she was gonna go for a drive." James said
"What did you say that upset her?' Winnie said
"The doctor wanted to know what birth control she wanted and I said she didn't need it" he said
For three hours Kinley was gone. She sat down on the docks and cried Bucky had changed since that night in the claiming ceremony he went from the boy that would let her tell him how things made her feel to shutting her up.
She came back home and got in the shower Bucky joined her and started to take her from behind and he was grunting and groaning as he got closer to his release. He smacked her ass and he whispered "Oh Kinley mmm I've missed my pussy."
She got out of the shower and went to bed after she fed Colton. She had her back to him as she wiped silent tears as he slept.