(17) The Twins Are Coming

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On June 30th the day after her due date she was making breakfast as Bucky got Colton in his high chair. He came over to her "You okay baby.." he whispered as he moved hair off her neck."Not really no." she whispered as she rested her head against his shoulder. 

She let out a whimper "Baby what's wrong.." he said 

"Contractions." she whispered. 

He placed his hand on her bump as she placed hers over his and squeezed and let out another whimper. "I'm gonna go call mom okay.. just try and relax." he said 

"Yeah.." she said 

Within an hour their family was over and she was downstairs in the basement when Norah checked her. "We are at 7 cm dilated." Norah said

Kinley started to cry she knew she was gonna have to do this without pain medication again. Bucky made her look at him "Baby I know you hate traditions baby look at me you can do this. You were able to push him out and he was 8lbs baby. You are my strong omega baby you can do this." he said 

She looked at him "Bucky.." she said 

"Baby I can't break this rule you can do this Kinley Grace Ann Barnes. Please don't kick me out like you did when you had Colton cause you were mad at me. I know I'm an asshole and I know we fight but I love you I have loved you since we were 13 years old Kinley." he said 

Three hours later she was sweating and in so much pain. She was withering around and screaming and squeezing his hand. "Get Norah.." she whispered 

Bucky went to get Norah and he sat back down beside her and whispered "Baby you are doing so good" as he used a cold rag to wipe her forehead. Norah came in "Kinley.." 

"I feel ...like I need to push..'she whispered 

"Okay..let's see where we are then." Norah said 

She checked Kinley's cervix "Oh we are fully dilated." Norah said 

Bucky lifted her up just a little and got up on the bed behind her and held both of her hands. "You got this my omega let's have our new pups." he whispered.

"Push Kinley." Norah said 

Kinley started to push and scream "That's it baby." Bucky whispered 

"Push again Kinley come on you are doing great honey." Norah said 

Kinley started to bear down again and screamed. Winnie and Melissa were at the foot of the bed watching. "Come on Kinley baby you are doing great honey" Melissa said 

"Everybody shut up!!!" she yelled as she pushed the first twin out. 

"Shhh baby I know you are in pain baby but you don't need to be yelling at everyone we are just trying to be encouraging." Bucky said in stern voice in her ear. 

"Twin A is a boy." Norah said as Winnie took him and got him cleaned up. 

Kinley started to scream as she started naturally push. "Norah pay attention>" Bucky yelled. 

Norah went back to helping her birth twin B. After three pushes she gave birth to their third son. She rested the back of her head against Bucky's shoulder and she went limp. "Kinley ...Kinley' Bucky said as she tapped her face. 

He moved and laid her down "Kinley baby wake up..come on baby wake up.." he said 

Norah grabbed her oxygen and put it on her and checked her blood pressure and gave her an IV with blood pressure medicine in it. "She's fine James her body went into shock and her blood pressure bottomed out." Norah said as she got her hooked up to a heart monitor. 

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