18. Dusk Dreams

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Well it looks like there is no turning back now. I really hope that this decision of mine doesn’t affect my relationship with Viggo. With Agatha, Ryker, and my mother. I do not know what I would do if they all hated me for what I am choosing to do.

I slip into Viggo’s office and find him in his usual spot behind his desk.

“Ah, Anu come to play a game,” Vi asks gesturing to the Maces & Talons game board.

“No,” I reply shortly standing behind the chair that I usually sit in.

“Did you wish to tell me something then,” he asks me with a look of complete confusion. Whenever I come to Viggo’s office, we always would play at least one game of Maces & Talons no matter how late it is.

“Yes,” I respond, once again keeping my answers as short as possible.

“Well then please, out with it,” Viggo commands, looking me dead in the eye.

“I have to leave,” I tell him dejectedly.

“What!?” Viggo says, his face lighting up in shock before again falling into a look of confusion.

“I have to leave,” I repeat, stronger this time.

“I heard what you said but why must you leave exactly,” Viggo asks earnestly.

“I can see the future,” I tell Viggo in a way that validates what I just said, as fact.

Viggo opens his mouth to speak again, to question my ability to see the future but I cut him off, “The first time I ever got a vision, I was four years old. I saw my father be blown up by the Singetail dragons. And what do you know, 2 hours after that vision my mother and I were running for our lives towards the docks. My father dead.”

Viggo settles back down in his chair and contemplates my story, until he begins to speak, “Well then, tell me about your vision. I am sure we can work through this together. You do not have to leave Anu.”
I look at my father figure for a moment as tears begin to well in my eyes, “But I do.”

Stepping away from the chair and the desk and the man that has loved me unconditionally since I came here, I rush out of the room and throw myself through the doors.

“Daughter wait-,” Viggo calls out as I slam the doors behind me.

My eyes flit around the hall before they land on an unlit torch. Dashing over to the torch holder, I swipe the stick from its place on the wall and lodge it into the door handles. Not even two seconds later does a large force beat up against the jammed doors.

“Daughter please we can talk about this,” Viggo’s voice cries through the locked doors as he begins beating against them trying desperately to get through.

Staring after the doors for a moment more, tears start to stream down my face before I turn tail and run.

I run and continue to run until I arrive at my room. I burst through my bedroom door and almost collide headfirst with my mother.

“M-mom?” I almost sob upon seeing her. I do not want to have to say goodbye to her as well.

“Shh, it’s okay dear,” my mother tells me softly, gingerly brushing away my tears, “I know and I understand.”

Kari holds me close in a tight hug as I sob onto her shoulder. This moment ends all too quickly when I find myself looking into the eyes of my mother once again.

“I am afraid that this cannot last Adina,” my mother tells me gently cupping my face, “I have packed you a satchel with some extra clothing, food, and your weapons so that you may defend yourself.”

I nod and stand up as my mother clutches my hand making me look at her, “Head to down to the beach I have something waiting for you.”

We hug each other once more before I start my mad dash to my mother’s final surprise, behind me I hear, “Remember that we all love you, Adina. Viggo, Ryker, Agatha, and myself. We will all be here waiting patiently for you to return!”

Running down the steep incline of the hill, I trip and stumble under the faint moonlight. Tears stain my face but I do not let them deter me from my goal. At the beach, I slow down until I am going steady at a jog. Just as my mother said there would, something was waiting for me at the beach. And the something is inside of that cage. Slowly approaching the green metal bars, I look in to find pale blue eyes staring right back at me.

Raising my arm in front of my face, I wait in anticipation for the grey and blue creature to strike out at me. It does not. Looking at the spiked dragon in the eye, I look upon the tense reflection of myself. We continue to look over each other as the sound of the waves rising and falling with rhythmic ease is almost ignorant of my racing heart. Slowly and as least threatening as I can manage, I lift my arm up and slip my hand through the bars, before closing my eyes.

I only have to wait but a moment when a scaly snout rests upon the palm of my hand.

I giggle, “Almost straight out of a dream. Dream… what do you think of that, eh, Dream?”

The dragon sneezes in reply and I laugh as I unlatch the cage, swinging the door open.
The beautiful, grey and blue dragon hesitantly walks out. As it passes me, I see evidence of the cruelty this creature has suffered while living in this world.

“Looks like you and I are one in the same right…girl?” I comment.

The dragon, Dream, lowers herself to the ground and I scratch her head, “You are wonderful you know that? A wonderful little Desert Wraith, if I remember my studies correctly.”

Sitting on Dream’s back, she slowly stands facing towards the ocean before looking back at me. Leaning forward, I rest my hands on my dragon’s shoulders, to which she spreads her wings in response.

“Alright Dream, to the great beyond!”

The Desert Wraith’s wings flap powerfully launch us both into the air. I whoop as we jet upwards and Dream croons happily in response. As we level off, I only looked back one more time at the island that I had called home. Now to a new life. A life with just Dream and I.

And so reaches the conclusion of Adina. Though the story will continue in my next story titled Anu. It may be awhile before that book shows up because I in fact have ADHD and the only time I can really focus enough to write is in school. Soooooo... I hope you have enjoyed this leaving a comment and/or a review would be amazing.

For those of you that wish to know when this story takes place, it happens around the same time as the events in the first how to train your dragon movie.

See you all again in my next story. Hasta luego! (See you later) 👋

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