Chapter 1

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hope you enjoy this chapter :)

When I wake up I was freaking out I had no idea where I was. The thing that was weird was that the room I was in wasn't like a cell but more like a five star hotel I walked to the door and turned the handle it wasn't locked I walk down the hall past at least fifty doors. At the end of the hall there was a set of double doors I walked up to the doors and put my ear against it I could hear a lot of talking I opened the door a crack and looked in there was at least 50 to 80 kids in there someone saw me and started walking over I turned and ran off.

The person that was walking towards me in the room was now in front of me I say to him how did you do that. He said its my power I say what power he said oh right you're the new girl come on ill introduce you to the rest of us. The rest of who? The rest of us with superpowers.

I walk into the room and it goes silent all eyes on me I follow the guy that followed me in the hall who I learnt a minute ago his name is shay.

There was a table on the opposite side of the room that we came in from. there were 10 people sitting at that table they all looked about 30 to 40 years old. They waved me over and pull up a chair for me to join them. They say are you enjoying being in the academy for the supernatural.

They give me a tour and a timetable I still don't know what my superpower is but they said they will makie me do a course to see what it is. A week later they take me to the test room where they will test me to see what my power or powers are after 2 hours we finally know what my powers are they are invisibility, super strength, speed, flying and can make fire or ice shoot out of my fingers depending on what mood im in.

They say we live here until we are 18 and then have to take a test to see if we can hide our secret in the outside world. Its great having superpower you can play jokes and do lots of cool things me and my friend cossette always play jokes on the boys she can throw fire and ice like me and also has speed and invisibility but she can read minds and see the future too.

One day me and cossette were walking to tactical defence when there was suddenly a violent shaking and immediately after loud sirens signalling to go to the hall we all go there and are assigned to different spots and then go under ground. My group was the last to go down and I haven't seen cossette anywhere I run out the door and down the hall she is sitting in a corner unconscious I pick her up and speed down the hallway to the elavator the doors are closing I jump through the doors just before they close.

Once we were down there the teachers said we were hit by a bomb in the hours that passed there were 7 more attacks. The next day when people were sure it was over we slowly made are way back up to the top in pairs the whole complex was destroyed they said there would be another one ready for us in two days in those two days we would be on the road to our new home. We settled into our new home and continued on with our routine cossette recovered and is back to her usual chatty self and i never saw my boyfriend again but thats a good thing because ive got a new one shay.

I walk into ability training 5 minutes late and every one just stares at me I say sorry and hurry over to the stands and take a seat next to indigo (Indy) for short she is one of my best friends she looks at me and tries to stifle a giggle I just glare at her we got split into groups of three but the group had to have similar or the same ability we had to combine our gifts and do something like for example the elementals did a show the earth guy made a circle of trees and the fire lit the trees alight and the wind blew the fire so it burned around the circle and then the water blasted water at the flames and the extinguished emediatly went out we all cheered I was with Indy she is and elemental and she has super speed and also with a guy called dex whos powers are super speed we decided to do a tornado and we all rand in the same direction while Indy shot fire in I shot water in making it look awesome if someone touched that they would get sucked in and the would end up burnt but also soaking wet at the same time.

Next class was skill building and me and shay had this class together so while I was walking there I spot him and use my super speed to get to him I jump on his back and crush him in a hug I jump down and plant a kiss softly on his lips before dashing of to class when he gets there he looks straight at me and mouthed the word payback I just turn and walk over to the instructor this class is about gaining new skills and enhancing the ones you already have I have been working on telakanesis and teleporting I can already. teleport to the other side of the oval and back and Ive only been working on it for two periods and the telakanesis I can move small objects like lamps ant TVs but not quite dumpsters and cars.after the bell for the end of the day went I walked to my dorm and Indy, cosette, Shay, drake and Jason were already there (they are my dorm buddy's) I walked to the fridge grabbed at drink and snack bar and then went and sat on shays lap he blushed and every one laughed we all went to bed and shay walked into my room when every one was asleep and said go to the garden tomorrow after class I said ok we kissed each other good night and went to sleep.


What do you think let me know and I will only continue the story if ican get 5 votes.


my life with superpowers : by EzzybWhere stories live. Discover now