my life with superpowers : by Ezzyb

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chapter 1:

rrrrrriiiiiinnnnnnggggg goes the bell for first period i run to my locker and grab my books when i turn to walk away i run into someone and then i realise who it is it is only the most hottest guy in school and he lookes at me and smiles and says you ok there i not and try to say yes but all thets comes out is mmmmmmm. i look away and blush i turn around and walk to my class desighn tech goes by slowly once the bell ring i move off and i have cheer practice and choah says if i dont lift my game i will lose my spot as captain so i get tnere early and start stretching the rest of the team starts ariving we are training for a comp practice goes well and the rest of the day goes by in a blur i meet up with my boy friend after school. the rest of the week is the same ting get up go to school have cheer practice go on dates with my boy friend on friday i was walking home from school an a hummer strech limo pulls up beside me a guy comes out an pulls me in the car all goes black..........

note from author

hope u enjoy chapter 1 its short but i thought it would be a good place to finish the chapterill upload soon .

ps: pls vote comment like ect.

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