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Hazels POV

We all sat down on the couch and put on "the shinning" to watch. It's been a few hours so it's dark out now and I've already gone home and packed and came back. I'm wearing fluffy snoopy pants and a black tank top. I sat down in between Colby and Sam.

Half way through the movie I got scared and grabbed onto Colby's had really tight. "Sorry" I whispered. "It's ok" he whispered back. I smiled at him and let go.

We continued to watch the movie and a little while later me and Colby were the only ones up. We both faced eachother. "Colby?" I whispered. "Yeah?" He asked. "What happened last night?" I asked him.

Sams POV

I woke up and heard Hazel and Colby talking behind me. "What happened last night?" She asked who I assumed was Colby. "Uhh um" Colby said clearing his throat. Should I even be listening to They're conversation.... I mean there's nothing else I can do. "Colby What happened?" She asked again but a tiny bit louder. "We... had.... a one night stand" he said raising his voice a little but not that loud. "What?!?" She said. Are you serious?! He knew we just broke up and he still had a one night stand with her. "You came onto me so don't get mad" he said. "I did?" She asked him. Wow. "Yeah, you pulled me upstairs and pushed me onto my bed" Colby said making me tense up. "Did we use a condom??" She asked all concerned. "Yes of course" he said. "Okay good... but I'm still mad at myself" she said getting up. I acted like I just got up by rubbing my eyes. "Hey where's Hazel?" I asked. "She probably just went to the bathroom" Colby said. "Oh okay" I said laying back down and trying to actually get sleep still mad about what happened.

Colby's POV

I decided I would go check on her since she's been in the bathroom or wherever she went awhile. I checked the bathroom and the door was shut. I slowly turned the knob after knocking and getting no answer. I opened it and saw her crying on the bathroom floor with a blade to her arm with blood also running down her arm. I ran over to her and grabbed the blade. "Hazel!" I yelled taking off my shirt and wrapping it around her arm that was bleeding. "Why can't you just let me die?" She asked me. That sentence broke my heart into a million pieces. She was also having a panic attack on top of cutting so that probably made it worse so I said fuck it and I kissed her. Our lips touched and moved inSync. My heart beat and her heart beat were the same. I slowly pulled away and wipped the tears from her face. "Now don't you cry anymore" I said in a sassy baby voice trying to make her laugh which did work.

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