Second meeting (Cybertronian)

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Today Bee had taken you and Raf to the grocery store so that you both could get a few things while Raf's mom was out.

On the way back however you noticed two look alike cars following Bee's car.

Bee soon noticed the cars following him so he quickly drove out of town and into the desert where he would try and hide you and Raf.

"What's going on?" You asked as Bee drove out into the desert.

Suddenly Bee stopped and Raf grabbed your arm, opened the door and dragged you behind a rock.

"What is going on?" You asked Raf angrily.

Before Raf could answer you Bee's car transformed into a giant robot along with the two black and purple cars.

"Y/n.....there's something you need to know." Raf told you nervous.

"What, that your friend is secretly a giant robot?" You asked sternly.

"Yeah, exept he's actually an alien from a planet called Cybertron." Raf told you.

"That is so COOL!" You suddenly shouted.

"Be quiet." Raf said as you both peeked out of your hiding spot.

You both watched as Bee killed the two Vehicons before turning around and walking towards you and Raf.

"::Are you both okay?::" Bee asked you and Raf.

"Yeah, thanks for saving us." You told Bee.

"::Wait, you can understand me?!::" Bee said in surprise.

"Yeah, can't everyone?" You asked Bee curiously.

"No, not everyone can." Raf told you.

"::I should probably take you both to base now that Y/n knows I exist.::" Bee said as he transformed.

You and Raf got back inside Bee's alt mode and on the way to the base Bee told you why the Autobots and Decepticons were on Earth and how the Autobots moved to Unit E.

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