First steps, again

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Today you and Bee were in the living room hanging up a new picture on the wall tgat you had recently gotten. Bliss and Bonnie were in their bedroom having a pretend tea party and Brandon was watching you and Bee trying to find the perfect place to hang the picture.

"How about we hang it here?" You asked Bee after a few minutes.

"No, how" Bee asked you as he pointed to a spot on the wall.

"Okay, we'll put it there." You agreed as Bee hammered a nail in the wall.

"There, it's perfect." You said as you hung the picture.

Meanwhile Brandon really wanted to be picked up so he pulled his legs under him, gripped the couch for support and slowly stood up. Once he was up he carefully let go and took a step forward. Once he got used to walking he went straight to Bee.

"Huh....what the?!" Bee asked when he felt someone run into one of his legs.

"Dada!" Brandon said as he looked up at Bee.

"Bee, he took his first steps." You said with a big smile.

"And he said dada!" Bee said happily as he picked Brandon up.

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