You die

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You were currently laying on a bed in the med bay at the scrap yard. You knew that you were going to die soon but you were okay with that, even though it meant leaving Bee behind.

"B-Bee." You said in a raspy voice.

"Yes Y/n?" Bee asked you as he activated his holoform.

"Bee, we both know that I'm about to pass on and I want you to promise me something." You said quietly.

"I'll do anything for you." Bee said sadly.

"I want you to make sure that Bliss gets the miniture model Camaro that I had displayed in my old living room." You said with a small smile.

"Okay, anything else?" Bee asked you.

"Yes, p-promise me that when you're done mourning me that you'll find someone else to love." You said weakly.

"I-I'll try." Bee said sadly.

"B-Bee.....I-I love you....g-goodbye..." You said as you closed your eyes for the last time.

"I-I love you too Y/n." Bee said with a sob.

"Ratchet, we're losing her!" Knockout panicked as he activated his holoform and hooked you up to a machine.

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