Chapter 3

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Hey guys! I thought I'd try to update more than once this week! I like how my story Is going so far, so I'm gonna keep going. Also, I'm wondering if I should switch POV's I like where this is going in Max's perspective..


Max's POV


"Maaaaaxxxxx.... where aaarrreee yoooouuuu....?" Adam called. we were playing murder and a certain someone was the murderer. I was hiding in a closet, hiding from the banana man, he had murdered Minx and Ohm already, and only me and Anthony were left. "C'mon Max, why don't you want to play with me?" he flashed me one of his famous Nanners' grins over the skype camera. "Maybe because you're physco? or maybe that you want to carve out my heart and eat it for dinner?" I kind of giggled nervously he started laughing evilly. "My banana senses are tingling.... It says you're in THIS room!" I saw him enter the door from where I crouched in the closet "Chilled, where are you?" I asked my friend quietly, pretending to whisper. "trying to get the gun" he whispered back. "Ooohhh Maaaaaxx!" SeaNanners called I looked to the side and saw he had his flashlight on, knife drawn, looking directly at... Me... I shrieked a little causing him to burst out laughing. I got up and tried to run out of the room, but he beat me to it and closed the door. "Where do you think you're going?" he giggled "away from this hell-hole!" I exclaimed, making my character run around the room trying desperately to avoid the cold blade of death that was being swiped at me. Just then chilled burst the ought the door, gun in hand. "I'll save you my love!" He yelled into his microphone. He aimed the gun and shot. Adam's gray dead body flew across the room and hit the wall right next to me. I laughed at the sight, feeling something warm spark in my chest at the thought of chilled ever loving me. I pushed the feelings away. 'was I just trying to use Anthony as a rebound? is that why I'm developing a 'crush' on him all of a sudden?' I sighed, I have no idea what I'm doing with my life right now....

After everyone has logged off, I walked into the other room where Anthony was finishing recording and turning off all of his cameras and conputers.(I was using his spare laptop and recording stuff to make my video) "do you wanna go out to eat tonight?" he asked when I walked into the room. "sure... where though?" I asked. "Maybe the fancy Italian resturant?" I pondered this and then decided why not. We made a reservation for 5:30 later today. We sat around for awhile, waiting for the designated time.....

We pulled up to the resturant at 5:25, just in time. As we walked in I marveled at the decor and aroma of pasta wafting out from the kitchen. A very attractive brunette took us to our table where we got seated. I noticed she kept glancing at Anthony and smiling, her cheeks developing a very faint, pink tint to them when Anthony looked up and flashed her a grin. This kind of ticked me off, even though it shouldn't of. We would never be together I thought sadly.... 'GODAMN IT BRAIN! I DONT LIKE HIM LIKE THAT, AND I NEVER WILL!' I yelled at myself in my head. I'm just allowing myself to feel the way I do and think the same way if him as I did of Renee! He'd never be the same as her because he's a guy and I'm a guy and just bleh! I just don't swing that way.... do I? No! I dont! I dont....

We were eating our meal, mine Pasta and meatballs, a classic, and his something I couldn't pronounce. Everything was relaxed, no tention, no thoughts of how dashing he looked, I stared at him dreamily, like a love struck fangirl... dammit... that is until a certain waiter came up to our table. She had emerald eyes and glossy brown hair.... the same one as before. I almost let out a growl at her approach. "could I get you gentlemen anything?" she asked, her voice smooth and appealing. "no thank you" I spat out a little to fast and mean than intended. Why was I acting like this? Do I really like him? I sighed. "no thank you ma'am... that is besides a phone number maybe?" he asked in a manly tone. "Sure! give me your arm" she motioned for his left arm. He obliged and she used the pen she carried with her to write her digits on his arm. I was practically fuming right then, and it was noticeable, for Chilled looked at me and raised an eyebrow quizzically at my reaction. I just stood up excusing myself to the bathroom. I walked over to the men's room and slipped inside. I quickly checked the stalls to make sure no one was in here to hear me rant about my life. "Why do I feel this way?" I asked into the mirror. "why is HE making me feel this way?" I sighed and turned on the sink splashing my face with the cold water. It's not his fault I thought to myself as the cool liquid enlightened my senses. I shook my head and turned around, heading out the door, feeling bewildered and confused. I sat down and put my head in my hands rubbing my temple. Anthony stayed quiet for awhile, watching curiously, finally he spoke up. "are you ok? is there something wrong?" he prodded gently in a soft voice. "no, I'm just not feeling to well... are you done? I kinda want to go back to your place..." I trailed off. "yeah, I'm full, and look!" he raised his arm flashing me the number. "Got a hot girl's number!" my mood dampened even more.... "good for you!" I said sarcastically. "Whaaaat are you jealous she went me and not you? we can share you know" he said wiggling his eyebrows. I smiled faintly. Is he stupid? or just blind......

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