Chapter 4

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Hey guys! hope you like it so far. Enjoy! also guys comment if you want me to change perspective regularly or not, I kinda like it better this way.

Max's POV


We got back to Anthony's house at about 7:30, I was tired and I just wanted to lay around and do absolutely nothing. At least that's what I wanted to do, Anthony, on the other hand, wanted to stay up and play video games. He was an endless pit of energy. I gave a tired sigh and looked over to the Italian, who was rifling through the cabinet he stored his games in, while I slumped back on his couch.

"Hmmmm, what about.... This one?" he asked me holding up a ps3 game. 'little big planet' the title read. of course he would pick that. I rolled my eyes jokingly and a smile found my lips. "fine, but I want a beer if you want me to stay up," I smirked as he sighed over dramatically as he went to his fridge to get the beer. I put in the game and got it started, while chilled walked back with two cold beers in his hand. He handed me one, and I opened it taking a swig of the drink...

We spent a few hours playing little big planet, (mostly screwing around in our own world) laughing our asses off at every little thing. I had a great time with Anthony. I guess that's why I'm forming a crush on him... I guess I should accept it... I'm falling for him, I don't know why, but I am. Maybe it's his bubbly attitude, or his outgoing personality, always finding a bright side of everything... he really is amazing, not to mention his looks. I blushed and my eyes soon focused on a hand waving in from of my face. I had been staring off into space. "earth to Max!" he called, having a confused look on his face. I shook my head. "sorry... I was... thinking" I stammered a bit not looking him in the eye. he smiled mischievously, obviously drunk "you're thinking about that waitress right? the hot one?" he giggled and I scowled. "are you actually jealous man?" he asked. "I'm not jealous of HER, Chilled I-I.... nevermind," I grumbled trailing off. he looked at me confused, but waved his hand in dismissal. I sighed. "I'm gonna go to bed... g'night." I murmured to him standing up, I needed some rest, it was like 1am, and some time to think. "night" was all he said, getting back on his game. I stalked off into the other room...

Instead of going to sleep like I had intended to, I was pacing around my room, ranting quietly. "why is he so stupid? I mean it's obvious how I feel! why does he taunt me like this?! I wish I could just tell him!" I hissed through my teeth, needing something to punch. I growled and threw my fist at a pillow on my bed. It wasn't satisfying at all, for I had the need to feel something break or shatter under my force, to send a shock of relieving pain up my nerves, not just absorb my punches making me feel like I'm punching a lifeless... well.... PILLOW! I plumped down on my bed, breathing heavily as my anger subsided. I hated the way Anthony made me feel... it was unnatural to me, I didn't want to be gay or bi, my friends will hate me, my fans will judge me, and worst of all, Anthony would leave me in the dark, turning his back to me. Tears sprang to my eyes. I sighed, trying to keep them back, a lump forming in my throat. I turned back over and faces the wall, closing my eyes, trying to go to sleep...

Anthony's POV (I'm a hypocrite I know)


I pressed my ear to the door, trying to make out what Max was saying. I was walking back to my room when I heard someone talking on the other side of the door, And I was curious (eh, eh? get it? crious gamers?) so I did what any other creepy friend would do and listened in. "why... so stupid?" "...It so obvious!" "why does he.... Wish I could tell him..." were all I heard through the thick wooden door... 'Wait he?' Who does he mean by he? And what cant he tell this person? I sat there pondering this. Who could 'he' be? I mean, from what I remember, I'm the last one to piss him off... And since he was obviously mad... crap... is he mad at me over the girl? I mean yah she's pretty, but to get so mad over a little thing? There's plenty of pretty girls out there... he should just go find his own, and want CANT he tell me? I'm his best friend! he can tell me anything! I crossed my arms, my drunken mind working slowly. I sighed an decided to go to my bed, I had gotten tired of spying and wanted the sweet feeling of sleep...


Ok so no more Anthony POV after this? unless on 'special' occassions? do we agree or disagree? let me know in the comments... also am I the only one who doesn't proof read their stories? it's boring and wastes time..

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