Chapter Eight; The One Where He Got Shot

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"Thanks Ant," I say, breaking the silence. She put all my chocolate back in the bag while I was shaking off the last of my panic.

But she knows it's for more than just that.

It's always for more than that.

"You don't have to thank me for that all the damn time." She grins, catching on.

I shrug, remembering a time when I all I wanted to do was swing her around, kiss her forehead and thank her.

"Have I thanked you for surviving yet? Because if I haven't I want to." I say, my heart breaking at the thought that maybe Ant doesn't know. "Have I?" I repeat myself, stopping us on the stairs.

She looks down, smiling lightly as realizing something amazing for the first time. I love how after everything she's been through she can still smile like that.

"Yeah Jax, you thank me all the damn time."

"Have I?" I grin back, "Been thanking you lately. I'm still so fucking proud."

I got to ruffle her hair only for her to glare and swat me away. "That's the last time you mess with my hair Valdez."

Stepping back my worry instantly goes to my chocolate. Or drugs, as Ant would say.

"Technically I didn't even mess with your hair this time." I know this was the wrong approach when she snatches the half opened bar straight from my hands, eats it in one gulp like a monster while I stare at her in horror, and then smirks.

She, just like me, seems to realize her mistake and drops the bag before taking off at a run.

Unfortunately she knows this house like the back of her hand.

"Antoinette Opal Rose you're dead!" I scream loudly, pounding after her.

Football practice pays off as I quickly corner her in my room, lunging at her she dodges and dashes to the hall. I follow after, making the mistake of tackling her at the top of a stairs case.


Third times the charm.

Thankful I managed to pull her on top of me, making my much larger frame take the hits.

I roar in pain as he forehead collides with my already abused nose, and instantly feel blood spurt against my lips as well lay at the bottom.

"Why is it everytime we go down a staircase together my nose gets the worst of it?" I groan, not even bothering to sit up since Ant is still lying between my legs and on my chest -in shock I assume.

Snapping out of it I glare at her as she giggles. "Stick a tampon up there, should do the trick."

My response is cut off my Cyrus's annoyed noise, that in turn makes me annoyed.

"You guys have to stop tackling each other on stair cases like this, you're too dangerous together as it is." He says, frowning.

"Dangerous handsome." I say, pinching the bridge of my nose. I sigh in relief, thankfully this time its not broken.

"Don't be such a Debbie Downer Cy, he's the one being hurt." Ant winks at me, making me roll my eyes.

Cyrus smirks, giving my bloody face a once over. "I guess there is a upside."

"Is it abuse Jaxon day?" I ask, looking between them. "Because if so I have to congratulate both of you. Fantastic job with sticking to the theme."

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