Chapter Ten; The One Where He Bleeds

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It's dark outside when I wake up.

The first thing I notice is Xavier is gone, but my panic quickly fades when I see him sleeping bundled up in the chair. Antoinette's doing by the looks of it.

But Genevieve is still here.

She's pressed into my chest, legs tangled together with mine as she balls up my shirt in her small fists.

"Genie." I whisper, cringing a second later as she frowns at the unfamiliar name in her sleep. "Sorry, Genevieve." 

"What?" Her fists clench tighter, as her legs shift around mine. "No...I like it. You never call me anything but name."

She may be half awake but I take her words to heart.

"You do?" When she nods I find myself grinning down at her and hug her to my chest. This definitely wakes her up and I have the suspicion I was crushing her. She slowly blinks awake.

"Jaxon?" She asks, scrunching up her nose.

"Yeah?" I reply, grabbing her hips so I can sit up and still have her resting comfortably against me. "You're still at my house." I tell her, knowing now that she likes to know where she is when she wakes up.

"I know, it smells like you." Still sleepy then, I assume with a chuckle. "Chocolate and something strangely male."

"Being called strangely male is helpful to anyone's ego." I grin. "And it's not the weirdest thing you've ever said, but okay." 

"You're so mean." She mutters, stretching herself out. "Is there coffee?"

"No any fresh. I can make you a new pot." 

Now we're in the kitchen and she has a steaming cup of black coffee, which I deem gross but she deems drug worthy. 

"Where is everyone?" I ask, having began to grow curious. "It's way too quiet."

"They're watching movies in the basement." Genevieve explains. "Juliana wanted to let you sleep and I was watching the baby but once he passed out I did too. One of them must have taken care of him." 

"I'm guessing Antoinette took a few pictures." I guess, making her flush under my gaze. "Did she get that cute not-at-all threatening glare of yours on camera?"

On cue Genevieve glares at me, making me send her a pointed look while smirking. 

"I didn't even notice until Cyrus accidentally turned on the flash." She admits, only turning redder. "And it is threatening. I am scary!" 

This has my laughing until I'm red myself and waving her off as I slide back to the living room to stop seeing her, because if I see how innocently hot she is I'll just start laughing again.

I make sure Xavier is okay and sleeping still before sitting down, she sits down next to me, looking content with coffee and my shirt but not with me. "Don't worry, it doesn't matter if you're not scary when you're that sexy." 

She gasps and glares into her coffee, taking a long gulp before setting the now empty cup down before picking at the edge's of the dark grey t-shirt.

Instantly curiosity floods me as I remember she put that on after she came here.

"Why'd you come here if you were so sure you needed to push me away?" My question is blunt but she doesn't like beating around the bush.

"I wanted to make sure you were okay." She says, glancing at me. "Since your best friend can't really be here for you that often, you were pretty much alone. I know you feel lonely in here," She motions around my house. "But I didn't realize you were lonely you were out there. Or how hurt you were, are I should say. You're still in pain, I didn't know. I should have known. So I came here to make sure you were okay and I stayed because I realized you weren't."

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