Chapter 10

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"What the hell do you two think you're doing here?"
"No time for lecturing Happy." Peter insisted as we landed outside the Avengers base. "We need to talk to Mr. Stark."
"Well Tony is busy right now and doesn't want any distractions." Happy explained.
"Hey Kiddos. What can I do for ya?" Mr. Stark said as he strut out the door.
"Tony? I thought you said you didn't want any distractions." Happy questioned.
"They're not distractions. They're-" Mr. Stark stopped and pondered just a moment.
"I dare you to finish that sentence." Happy challenged. Mr. Stark shook his head. "Now this is a distraction." Mr. Stark noted. "Now what can I do for you two?"
I turned to Peter, not really knowing what to say or how to explain it. "Do you happen to have a pen?" I questioned as Mr. Stark gave me a look of confusion.
I pressed the pen to the notepad and began to draw the symbol from the crime scene.
"Sorry. I'm trying to draw this from memory."
After creating a quick sketch, I handed the notepad to Mr. Stark with a steady hand.
He set the notepad down, letting his AI, Friday, scan it. The sketch became a 3D image above the table.
"What is it?" Happy questioned as he sat sat down on a nearby chair.
"It's supposed to be some kind of snake. But we don't know what it means." I explained. Mr. Stark crosses his arms and examined the image.
"Friday. Run this through the criminal database." Friday began scanning, and was scanning for minutes on end.
"Sir. There is no match the the symbol in the United States. But there is a match Germany."
I looked at Peter in confusion. And he had the same expression. But I new we were thinking different things.
"Germany?" I questioned. "Wh-What's Germany?" Mr. Stark looked at me, then to Peter.
"She's an alien." Peter reminded him.
"Right, right. I knew that." Mr. Stark assured. He clicked away into the air, hitting all kinds of 'holographic buttons.'
"These symbols used to pop up all over Germany. Well, up until about 1942. Then they just disappear. Until now." Mr. Stark explained.
"Wait." Peter interrupted. "1942. Germany. Does that mean-"
"Yeah Kid. They were working with Hydra. And they might still be."
"Hydra?" I questioned.
"To sum up, they were a very bad group doing very bad things in Germany, led by a very bad man. He was known as the Red Skull." Mr Stark explained.
"Well, do we have any idea if their weaknesses or weaponry or-"
"No Y/n. We really don't. But I think I know someone who might." Mr Stark looked at us with a smile, then turned and walked out the door.
"Is he gonna tell us or are we just gonna have to wait for some heroic entrance?" I joked.
"They're the Avengers." Peter said with a dumbfounded tone. "It's going to be a heroic entrance."
"Yeah, you can't do that." I smiled.
"What are you talking about? I can totally do that."
"Really? Last week, you swung into a crime and literally ran into a billboard." Peter looked down at his feet and knocked his heels together. "I didn't know you were watching." He mumbled.
"It was cute." I noted. I placed my hand on his shoulder and smiled. "Come on Peter. We better get back. May might get worried." I insisted.
"Actually." Peter smiled. "I have a better idea."
We flew our way back into the city. But once we arrived, Peter took the lead. He led me towards the coast and to one of the bridges. We landed ont he very top of one of them.
"Welcome to the Williamsburg Bridge." Peter said, and I could tell he was smiling through his mask. The sun was beginning to set. The beautiful orange sky was beginning to appear.
"It's breathtaking." I described, tucking a piece of my hair behind my ear.
"I've always loved coming up here. There's just something about being up here that just seems to calm me down."
"Yeah, it really does." I insisted. It was quiet as we sat, watching the sunset. We sat watching, and listening to the cars drive underneath us.
Before we knew it, the sky was filled with stars and the moon shone through.
"So-uh-Y/n." Peter stuttered.
"So you know that thing I was going to ask you before we were interrupted. You know, at school?"
"Oh yeah! What did you want to ask?" I questioned, turning my body till I was facing him.
"Well, I was wondering if-"
Suddenly, a large gunfire came from underneath us. A large van was hurtled towards us. "Look out!" I yelled. I jumped from the ledge and caught the car. Screams sent shivers down my spine as I noticed there were people in the car.
"Just stay calm. I'm going to set you down and I won't you all to run." I instructed. I slowly set the car back down and the family quickly ran.
Without warning, the girl through her hands out, sending some sort of venom at me. It hit my stomach making it burn. I stumbled back onto the ground.
"Y/n!" Peter yelled. He dropped down in front of me, facing the girl. The girl had black hair and ivory skin. Her green eyes could pierce your soul. Her suit was white with a green snack wrapped around it.
Peter shot a web and swung towards her. Knocking her down with a kick. She slowly stood up, an so did I.
Just before she sent another venom blast, a bullet shot right in between us. I looked over and saw two muscular men walking towards us. Masks on and weapons out.
One was dressed in red, white, and blue, with a helmet to match it. The other was in all black with a shiny metal arm with a red star.
"Holy shit!" Peter yelled.
"Now that's the heroic entrance I was hoping for." I mumbled.

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