Chapter 11

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One of the men threw his shield, knocking the girl off her feet and onto the ground. She quickly stood up, sending another venom blast. But the other man blocked it with his arm.
After it hit him, he wasn't phased one bit.
The man continued one. He sprinted down the bridge, onto one of the abandoned cars, ascending off the top.
He slammed into girl, making her fly into a nearby truck. The girl peeled herself from the dent in the truck but continued to tumble.
She was knocked out cold.
"Psst! Peter!" I whisper-yelled. Peter turned his head, facing me.
"Should we go down there? Maybe they can tell us what's going on." I insisted.
"Well, I don't think we can do that." Peter said.
"What? Why not?"
"Because they're gone." Peter mumbled. I turned my head to see both men and the girl had disappeared.
"Where the hell did they go?" I complained.
"Probably back to the Avengers base." Peter explained. "Come on! Let's go!" I nodded my head and grab Peter, holding him close, as we flew into the midnight sky.
Peter and I walked into the living room of the base. Just as we did, Mr. Stark walked into the room.
"Hey Kiddos. How did it go?"
"It was weird. We were fine and then Mr. Cap-wait. Did you call him?" Peter questioned.
"Come on Peter. I don't know who these guys are and even I know the answer to that." I scoffed.
"Wow. You're very observant Red. That's what they call you right?"
"I'm calling you Red either way." Mr. Stark said. Instead, of bickering, I flashed a small smile as I looked down at my shoes.
"She's secure Tony. Locked her in one of the cells. We can question her when she's wakes up."
"Thanks for coming on such short notice Steve." Tony said, patting the man on the back.
"I hate to be rude but, who are you?" I questioned to the two men.
"Steve Rogers." One of the men said. "Also known as Captain America."
"Bucky Barnes at your service." The other said with a smile.
"I'm Y/n." I spoke.
"How come we haven't seen you before Y/n?" Steve asked.
"Oh-I'm not from here. I just came in."
"Came in from where?" Bucky questioned.
"So you're an alien?" Steve noted.
"Uh yeah. But don't worry, I'm totally harmless. I'm kinda like E.T." I said with a smile.
The four heroes turned to me. "E.T?" Peter said in a questioning tone.
"Yeah, you know, the alien. 'E.T. phone home?"
"Yeah, it's just, how do you know what E.T. is but you don't know how to use a cell phone?" Peter questioned.
"It's just, one of the guys on my team used to tell me stories of things he used to watch while he was on earth. And he would play this amazing music-uh never mind. You probably don't want hear about it." I started to explain.
"We do Y/n. But you might wanna save it till later. The girl, she's awake." Steve said as he peered at the monitor.

The five of us walked down the the cell and saw the girl sitting against the wall. Her dark hair draped against her shoulders. And her white suit, stained with red blood.
"Morning." Steve said.
"Who the hell do you think you are, keeping me in this cell. Don't you know who I am?" She yelled, slamming her hand up against the glass.
"But that's the thing, we don't." Bucky noted.
"If you answer our questions, we'll tell you why you're here."
"And if I don't, pretty boy?" The girl said, referring the Bucky.
"Then you'll sit here, and will stay here until you slowly go mad."
"Sheesh Y/n. Don't be so harsh." Peter mumbled.
The girl thought for a moment. She crossed her arms as her hair fell onto her back.
"Fine." She agreed. "But under one condition. You let me out of here."
The five of us looked at one another.
"Fine." Mr. Stark said, tucking his hands in his pockets.
"Then ask away."
"Every time we've come face to face with a criminal like you, they always disappear but leave some sort of snake symbol. What does that stand for?" I asked.
"It's a symbol representing our group. The Serpent Society."
"And is this group working for Hydra?" Steve asked.
"Not for, with. We work for no one."
"Any other members of your Serpent Society that we should know of?" Bucky asked.
"There's a few. Not gonna name 'em."
I rolled my eyes at the girl and crossed my arms in front of my chest.
"What's your name?" I asked.
"Well Asp, it was great talking with you but I think it's time we go."
"But the deal was you would release me." She yelled. The Avengers began to walk out of the room. I turned back around and locked eyes with Asp.
"I changed my mind."

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