Chapter 5

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Authors pov.

The next morning Koala was carrying a stack of paper to Sabos office. After bumping into countless people who seemed to be in a hurry along the way she was already in a bad mood. After knocking on the door twice Koala still didn't get an answer she decided to not care anymore and knocked down the door.

Inside the room was was a mountain of unfinished work and no Sabo. At that Koala got even angrier. Ever since Ace got here he had been a really bad influence on Sabo. That guy was nothing but trouble, they should have just thrown him over board the moment they captured him.

A bit calmer Koala went to Sabos room. The guy had a lot of work to catch up upon and better start late than never. This time she didn't have the patience to knock and just opened the door.

What she saw was her friend desperately trying to get out of the clutches of their prisoner.

"T-This is not what it looks like!"

The night before

Sabo had been tossing and turning the entire night. Sometime around midnight even Ace woke up, well he was still half asleep, but he put his arms around the blond hugging him tightly. It was more like a subconscious action, but still Sabo managed to relax slightly. That and he couldn't move very well under the weight of Aces arm.

That night after a long time Sabo dreamed about his childhood again. However just like back when he'd just joined the RA they were fuzzy and there was never anything specific like a face or a name. This time there were two boys both with black hair, although one was slightly taller than the other. Like always Sabo looked around searching for any clue about his past. His eyes caught the flag he had seen many times before. However as Sabo streached out his hand he woke up. Sabo never got beyond that part and it used to annoy him a lot, but he thought he'd gotten over it... well he didn't.

When Sabo tried to get up to write down all the new details he remembered he noticed a pair of strong arms wrapped around him.
Then he remembered what happened the evening before and turned bright red. Why did he have to stare like that, but most importantly he kissed Ace. K I S S E D ACE.

He had really fucked up. He couldn't just pretend anymore that there was nothing. It was already the pinnacle of stupidity to befriend your prisoners not to mention falling in love with them. However Ace did a damn good job of distracting him from that fact.

Sabo kept pondering about what to do a while longer, but never came to an answer.
He tried to get up again, but for a sleeping person Ace had a surprisingly tight grip.
Every time Sabo almost freed himself Ace hugged him only tighter and no matter what method he tried the outcome didn't change.
Sabo was almost about to give up when the door suddenly opened.
Koala stood in the doorframe, her eyes widened and her mouth opened as if she had forgotten what she was about to say.

"T-This is not what it looks like!"
Sabo was getting a bit desperate considering Ace's lack of a shirt and the rather questionable position they were in.

Koala closed her mouth and gave him a puzzled look.
"So either Ace usually sleeps with a giant teddybear and mistook you for it or you two were stupid enough to have a crush in this situation."

"No! D-definitely the former, I-I think. I don't know about the bear... But there's no way he'd fall in love with me. We barely have even met."

Koala gave him a doubtful look.
"Sure... Whatever. Anyway do you wanna grab breakfast?"

"Yeah. Just wait a minute."
Sabo proceeded peelling Ace of him and when he finally succeeded he sat up, but before he could stand up he felt arms wrap around his waist. When he turned around Ace was hugging him, again.

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